Chapter Seven

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India Morris

India took a deep breath as she stretched her legs. She loved the way the sun kissed on her skin. She stood up and looked at everyone who was also stretching. Hoseok took it upon himself to have a training session, he called it "bonding."

"So who's going first?" Jungkook asked cracking his knuckles.

"I'll go." Jimin smirked as he stepped in the middle.

Everyone stepped back and watched as the two fought one another. India watched Jungkook's fighting skills and studied his movement.

He was a great fighter but so was Jimin. His height was an advantage and he knew to go for his legs, making Jungkook tap out.

"Come on Jk you have got to do better." Jimin teased.

Jungkook huffed and folded his arms.

"Who's next?" Hoseok asked.

"I'll go." Isaiah said.

"Me to." Namjoon said.

Isaiah moved his shoulders in a circular motion not taking his eyes off of Namjoon. India smirked and folded her arms as she watched them fight.

"Damn that kid is strong." Seokjin said.

India chuckled.

"Come on Zay shake it off." She said clapping her hands.

Isaiah tasted blood in his mouth and spit ball his fist up.

"No hard feelings right?" Namjoon asked.

Isaiah smirked and tackled him to the ground. Namjoon quickly covered his face blocking Isaiah's hard hits. Namjoon began attacking his side, causing Isaiah to get off of him. Namjoon got the advantage of putting him in a head lock, Isaiah elbowed him in the stomach.

Namjoon fell back and Isaiah wrapped his arm around his neck squeezing for dear life. Namjoon had no choice but to tap out.

"No hard feelings right?" Isaiah asked with a smirk on his face.

"10 years of military combat training and I end up getting beat by a civilian." Namjoon spat.

Isaiah laughed as he went back and stood by India. She patted his back and roughed his hair up.

"Good job." She said.

"Why thank you." He said.

India smiled.

"Anybody want to challenge me?" Hoseok asked with a smirk on his face.

"No sir, after all the stories I heard about you." Yoongi said.

Hoseok looked around and no one decided to step up.

"I'll go." India said.

"Oh shit." Seokjin mumbled.

"India are you sure?" Yoongi asked.

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