Chapter Eighteen

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India Morris

India groaned as she opened her eyes and immediately closed them when the light hit her eyes. She felt her wrist tighten and looked up. She heard the door opened and looked the man from toe to head. She noticed there were two guard by the door.

"You're more cuter in person." Taehyung smirked.

"Fuck you." She mumbled.

Taehyung chuckled as he grabbed her chin making her look at him.

"Where's the file?" He asked.

India spat in his face, Taehyung chuckled as he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his face. He looked at India before aggressively grabbing her face forcing her mouth open and shoving the handkerchief in her mouth.

"You have a temper." He mumbled.

India spit the handkerchief out and coughed.

"Where is my brother?" She asked.

"Don't worry about him, where's the file?" He asked.

"Where's my brother?" She asked.

"Where's the file?" He asked.

India chuckled.

"I'm not giving you shit until you tell me where my brother is." She said.

Taehyung looked at the guards and nodded his head.

"Take her to her brother." He said.

"Yes sir."

India watched as the man unleashed her hands catching her before she fell.

"Watch her, she's clever." Taehyung said.

The man grabbed Indias arm and guided her to where Isaiah was. She gasp as she looked at him through the window. He wasn't hurt to bad just a bloody nose for now.

"You bastards." She said.

"Where are the files?" Seokjin asked Isaiah.

"Fuck you pussy." Isaiah spat.

Seokjin sighed as he put his cigar out on Isaiah knee. Isaiah groaned in pain as India placed her hand on the window.

"Where is my sister?" He asked.

"That's not important right now, I wonder who's going to crack first." Seokjin said.

"We will die before we say anything to you." Isaiah said.

India eyes began to water as she looked at Isaiah.

"That's enough."

The man grabbed India arm guiding her back to the her room. On the way she noticed each guard inside each room. There was a window on each door giving her glance of her friends. They were all by one another, she needed to figure out how to get out of here.

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