Chapter Ten

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Two Years Ago

Hoseok was abruptly awakened by water being thrown on his face. He opened his eyes and immediately shut them due to the light. He felt tightness around his wrist and looked down seeing he was chained.

"Oh you're awake."

Hoseok opened his eyes to see a few men giving him the death glare.

"Why are you in our territory?"

Hoseok knew under any circumstances not to give any information from his country.

"I don't know." Hoseok said.

Hoseok watched as the man looked at one of the others and gave him a head nod. He felt two other men lean his chair back and through a towel over his face. As they continued to water board him, he put his mind in a different place.

"I'm going to ask again why are you here?"

Hoseok coughed as they removed the towel from his face. He looked at the man and smirked before spitting in front of him.

"So be it."

The man walked out leaving Hoseok alone with the other two who began taking turns throwing blows in his face.

Present Day

Jung Hoseok

Hoseok yawned as he scratched his head. He walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He traced his fingers over his battle scars and sighed.

Thoughts of India popped in his head causing him to smile. He shook the thoughts out of his head and continued his morning routine.

Once he was finished he got dressed and went to the living room to see Isaiah eating a bowl of cereal.

"Hey." Hoseok said.

"Morning." Isaiah said.

"Where's everyone else?" He asked scratching his head.

"India's in the shower and Jimin is getting dressed." Isaiah muffled.

Hoseok nodded as he stood by the window watching the busy streets of Montana.

"My sister likes you." Isaiah said.

Hoseok looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Where'd that come from?" He asked.

Isaiah shrugged.

"I can just tell." He said.

Hoseok chuckled.

"Your sister is a beautiful women, very strong and brave. Her determination is like no other but I can't go there with your sister." Hoseok shook his head.

"Why not?" Isaiah asked taking a bite of his cereal.

Hoseok didn't know how to even answer. He could see himself with India...but was he good enough.

"She deserves someone better." He said.

"Who's better than the man that would die for her?" Isaiah asked.

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