The inbetween (Cold pt 2)

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Part 2 of 'Cold'

There is a lot of talking btw 👀

Dreamnoblade, can be taken romanticly or plantoicly!

I hope you enjoy tho♡


I open my eyes to a black void, white light to the right of me. I look around, it looked like an endless black void, the only light being the suspicious white light.

"Am I dead?" I wisper to myself.

Quite possibly.

"No, dear. Welcome to the inbetween of life and death," I hear a woman voice say. I snap my head towards the woman.

"Miss Death?" I say.

She nods.

" my life or death is being decided?"

"No, you get to pick weather to live or die. Both will have conquoues,"

"Which are?..."

"Death will provide peace and rest, no worries about getting sick, dying, or whatever may cross your mind. But. Guilt can come with it, you wanting to be back with friends, or do things you can't do when your dead,"

I slowly nodded, showing that I was listening. She continued on.

"While life will give you the gift of being able to feel things like warmth. You won't have to worry about how they will react if you died. How the sever would be after it. But, you will have your weak mortal body once more,"

She stopped and looked at me, waiting for me to choose. I nervously bit my lip, not knowing which to choose. They hated me. Everyone on the sever, didn't they? But, my blobs wouldn't know where to go. Patches won't have me anymore. I couldn't leave her. I couldn't leave Drista. I gulp.

"So, what will it be?"

" please..."

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