Clearing Confusion on Harrys age

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Okay, I've seen several comments on some chapters calling Louis a p*dophile or a creep.

Harry is not a little and does not have the mind of a child.

He is 17 and is fully aware he is 17. He talks the way he does because he knows no other way due to his father pulling him from public school and basically the public in general so Harry has only heard baby talk most his life. He believed this to be the way everyone talked since it's the only way his dad talked to him.

He has never been taught what sex was. At first no he didn't understand exactly what Louis was doing but he was okay with it because he was curious and liked the feeling in his body. All sexual interactions between them is consensual.

Harry has never been in a child state of mind in any parts of the story, it may seem like it but Harry acts the same throughout the entire story. As the story progresses so does Harry in his speech and sexual preferences, he likes how Louis makes him feel and does not want to let that go.

That is why Harry is in the situation he is in in Lavish. If you've read that or plan to after this. Harry still acts the same minus better speech.

He is 17 with the mind of a 17 year old. He does not think he is a child, Louis does not see him as a child. Harry does not dress like a child or act like a child minus his speech and lack of knowledge on sex.

He is mature in the next story but also still has his innocence.

I hope this makes sense and clears up a few things. I've been meaning to write this but never sure how to even word it correctly without completely contradicting myself.

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