The Talk

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Louis P.O.V

Lottie decided to run and grab some snacks for the plane ride to America and so I decided to talk to Daisy. I grabbed her hand leading her into the living room and sat down on the sofa setting her on my lap.

"Alright darling, Mummy and I have decided that you are going to come on tour with me," I told her as her eyes lit up. "Really?!" she perked up and I nodded confirming what I had just told her. "We're going to have fun and we're going to forget all that's happened!" I told her as she bounced up and down on my lap in excitement before I grabbed her hand. "Let's go and say buh-bye to everyone," I said as I picked up my suitcases and her bags. I grabbed my keys and phone and locked the door to my flight. Lottie came walking down the driveway as I locked the house up and ran up to me grabbing Daisy and spinning her around in circles.

Just to hear my little sister's laugh was a relief to me. I smiled and followed them to the car as Lottie lifted Daisy into her car seat and climbed into the front.

"Is she alright?" Lottie asked, a look of worry spread across her face. "Fine, she just needs a break I think," I whispered looking into the rear view at my broken little sister.

We arrived back at my childhood home as I looked into the front garden seeing my two other sisters sat out the front. I climbed out my car and walked around to Daisy's side letting her out. I heard a small whimper and I looked down at Daisy to see her lifting her arms up at me. "Use your words," I encouraged. "Up please," she whimpered and my face softened as I picked her up. She laid her head on my shoulder and I kissed my two other sisters on the foreheads as we walked passed them into the house.

"Oh sweetheart," my Mum cooed upon seeing her little girl so distraught. "I'm so sorry," I heard her whisper into her ear. They cuddled for a bit longer when I realised that the car would be arriving soon. Daisy looked at me in panic and darted up the stairs. My eyes widened and I got up to follow her upstairs.

"Dais," I called as I reached the top of the stairs. "What?" she shouted back as she came back carrying her little cat, called Jess (A/N I had a teddy bear called Jess when I was younger.) "Oh," I sighed in relief and picked her up carrying her back down the stairs.

"Alright car's here," I called and everyone came to say goodbye. "Alright be good," My Mum said kissing Daisy on the forehead. "I love you," she cooed stroking her hair back. "Love you too," she replied and my Mum said similar things to Lottie and I.

With all the goodbyes said we moved all the bags from my car and into the taxi waiting outside. "Come on baby" I cooed as she climbed into the car cuddling into me. With one last wave we were on our way.

Bring on One Direction's Where We Are tour...


A/N Hello!

Thank you for reading!

Like I said before, any suggestions or ideas for this book please comment.


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