Missing Mummy...

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Louis P.O.V

"Daisy," I cooed rubbing her back from where she was laying asleep on the hotel bed. "Come on, time to get up," I continued. It was currently 6 in the morning where we were and we were leaving to go to Philadelphia for the next concert. "Daisy," I said again whilst kissing her head. "No," she whined as I chuckled picking her up. "Yes, come on we're going on the plane today," I told her. "I don't want to!" she cried hitting against my chest. "Woah, woah, woah, NO, we don't hit," I firmly said giving her a smack on the bum. She continued to and so I let her down grabbing her clothes off of my bed. "Come on we need to get dressed," I reminded lifting her so she was laying on the bed. Fat tears began to roll down her face as she kicked and screamed in a full on tantrum. "Daisy..." I warned, " either you let me get you dressed or you can go in your onesie, your choice," I said sternly. She still continued to kick and scream and so I placed her clothes of a pair of demin shorts and a blue shirt in my bag before grabbing her Uggs and placing them on her feet.

"That's it, i've had enough, corner now!" I said firmly grabbing her hand and walking her there. I left to brush my teeth and when I came back Daisy was laying on the bed, still screaming. "Ok, you've lost your right to walk today because you clearly can't stay still, now back in the corner please," I firmly stated lifting her off of the bed and placing her back in the corner. She stayed there for her 7 minutes eventually and I grabbed my bag and her IPad before lifting her onto my hip and walking towards the elevator.

When we got to the lobby, Daisy was still throwing a tantrum and so I started to bounce up and down slightly in a last attempt to calm her down. Still this did nothing and so I carried her outside into the car and placed her into a seat, sitting beside her. "Are we done?" I asked as she started to calm down slightly. I got not reply as she cuddled into my side.

About half way through the ride to the airport, Daisy lifted her head off of my lap. "Thirsty," she whined and I looked down at her with raised eyebrows. "Well baby, I don't have a drink with me, if you would of got up when I told you, you could've had breakfast but you didn't so you have to wait," I said as she started to whine and cry again. "Ah ah, don't start again," I warned but to no avail as she started crying and screaming at me. Luckily the airport was in sight and I lifted her onto my hip grabbing my bag.

I spotted a Boots not far from the entrance and ran in grabbing the only drink they had, water. I brought it still swaying back and forth as Daisy still cried. As I got out of the shop, I placed Daisy down in front of me and crouched down handing her the water.

"Look Dais, this is all they had," I promised handing her the open water. "NO!" she yelled slapping it out of my hand. "Hey!" I warned lifting her back onto my hip and carrying her over to a chair but not before apologising to the cleaner who was about to clean it up. She just smiled sympathetically at me, obviously having seen it all before.

As I reached the chairs, I sat down on one placing Daisy in between my legs and tilting her chin up so she looked at me. "I've had enough of your behaviour today, another stunt and you will be losing all your toys, all your privileges," I listed staring intently into her little tired eyes, "and you will one very bored little girl, do you hear me?" I warned and she nodded before bursting into tears. The big brother in me took over and I immediately grabbed her and started comforting her.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's gone and got you all upset hmm?" I asked sympathetically as I rubbed her shaking back as sobs wracked through her body. "Mummy!" she cried helplessly and I suddenly felt bad for shouting at her. "Oh honey, shhh, it's ok we're going to be seeing Mummy very soon," I started stroking her hair back and looking back to get a better view of her face. "And guess what we can skype and facetime her when we get on the plane little one," I promised before she nodded and I kissed the top of her head as she buried her face into me.

I sighed as I swayed back and forth, knowing this was going to be a long flight and a long six months before we saw our Mum again.

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————-A/N Thank you @zaynisabae for the brilliant idea. Thank you to anyone who is reading this book. I definitely didn't expect to have 1k + readers so thank you for that. I will be updating my bsm book and mending a broken family over the weekend as I am very busy with school this week.

Thanks again for reading xxxxx

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