Where you belong...

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Louis P.O.V

I awoke the next morning with a grin on my face. I am so glad that Daisy and I were able to come home for the day. She really needed to spend a 'normal' day at home. 

"Ahhhhhh," I heard as I groaned looking over at the two little girls who were smiling cheekily at me. This was a regular occurrence with Daisy in tour but i'd hadn't had two of them do it for a while. "Mummy said we're going shopping!" Phoebe yelled with an ecstatic smile on her face. "That's great but I think i'm going to stay right here," I teased reaching my hands out to lift the closest little girl onto my bed. This happened to be Phoebe and so I started to tickle her stomach as she squealed before bursting out with laughter. "Hey!" Daisy yelled in mock anger jumping onto my bed and trying to pry my hands from her sister. "Oh you want some too?" I teased tickling at her under arms. I knew everyone's most ticklish spots and with the twins it happened to be mostly everywhere. Daisy made a run for it trying to jump off of my bed but I was too fast and lifted her back up before climbing out of my bed and lifting her onto my hip. As I did this I continued to tickle her slightly before picking up Phoebe onto my other hip. 

I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen where I could smell breakfast being cooked. "We're going shopping!" the girls chanted as my Mum turned around regret clear in her face. "Girls, i'm sorry I was called into work," My mum spoke looking over at the two seven year olds guiltily. "But, I want to spend time with you," Daisy mumbled as tears sprung in her eyes. "Oh Dais, Mummy's sorry I should of checked," she sighed coming to take Daisy from my grip. My Mum continued to comfort Daisy as I placed Phoebe on the floor and started to dish up the bacon, eggs and pancakes onto separate plates. "Right I should be going, i'll see you later kids," My Mum spoke placing Daisy on the chair and going to grab her bag. 

"No Mummy!" Daisy cried running to grab onto my Mum. I set Phoebe into a chair and placed her plate in front of her before going to tend to an upset Daisy. "Mummy, I want you to stay!" Daisy screamed. She was in the state of tantrum where she was screaming but crying whilst holding onto my Mum. I swiftly lifted her onto my hip and turned her to face my Mum. "Say good bye to Mummy," I implemented bouncing her up and down. "B-bye M-ummy," she cried as my Mum sighed in sadness kissing her on the cheek. "I'll see you later baby girl," she cooed before walking out of the door. Daisy let out a cry as the door closed and I sshed her before walking back to the kitchen. 

I set Daisy down as I reached the kitchen and grabbed both her and my plate before sitting in a chair and motioning Daisy to sit in the chair next to me. She shook her head holding her arms out to me and I sighed lifting her sideways into my lap and kissing the side of her head. "Louis, i'm finished," Phoebe told me and I looked over at her plate before letting her go. 

"Right come on baby, lets have some breakfast!" I cooed lifting her into the chair next to me and placing her plate in front of her. I started on my breakfast trying to ignore her cries but as I finished I realised she hadn't eaten a thing off of her plate. "Daisy, you need to eat darling," I warned standing up and putting mine and Phoebe's plate into the dishwasher. She ignored me and I decided to take the stern yet loving approach. "Look Daisy I know you want Mummy and i'm sorry that she isn't here to spend the day with you but she's coming on tour in two weeks and you can spend all the time you want with her then. For now though it's time to eat, if you don't eat then you will be in deep trouble," I warned forcing her chin to look at me. 

With relief I watched Daisy pick up her fork and start to eat. "Good girl," I praised stroking her hair back. "Pheobs, go and get some clothes and i'll help you get dressed darling," I called into the living room where Phoebe was watching TV. I waited for a minute to hear Phoebe run up stairs before turning my attention to Daisy again. "I'm done," she mumbled and I noticed she hadn't eaten the orange I had added after my Mum told me to. "Dais, eat your orange please," I implemented as Phoebe came running back down the stairs. "NO!" she screamed clearly annoyed at my power over her. "Daisy eat the orange or you're not leaving this table easy as that," I warned sitting on the floor to get Phoebe dressed. "I DON'T WANT IT!" she screamed at me as my eye brows raised at her. "Well then you're not leaving that table. Either you eat it and you can go and get dressed or you don't eat it and I take you shopping in your pyjamas and we take it with us for you to eat," I said sternly redressing Phoebe. Daisy sunk down in her seat and did nothing while I shrugged running up the stairs and grabbing some shorts, a top and some flipflops before running back downstairs and out to my car putting the clothes into my boot. As I walked back into the house Daisy still hadn't eaten the orange and so I sighed putting the orange into a pot and picked Daisy up calling for Phoebe to put her shoes on. I couldn't believe the fight was over an orange as I left the house carrying an angry Daisy out to my car. I placed Daisy into her seat and buckled her in before walking around to the other side and picking up Phoebe into her car seat buckling her up. "Don't want to go in my pyjamas!" Daisy cried/screamed while I jumped into the drivers seat. "Well eat your orange and you can get dressed. You wouldn't be in your pyjamas if you wouldn't have refused to eat it," I reinforced starting my drive. 

As I pulled into the car park and walked around lifting Phoebe out, I noticed that Daisy had eaten her fruit and smiled lifting her onto my hip. "See that wasn't so hard was it?" I cooed kissing the side of her head. I grabbed her clothes from the boot and walked towards a toilet to get her dressed.

We all had a fun day shopping together and the girls then got to spend the evening watching a movie with their Mum much to Daisy's delight. I smiled as I thought she was where she belonged.

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