Little Worker & A Happy Birthday...

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Louis P.O.V

"Good morning," I cooed in a groggy voice to Daisy. It had just passed 2.30 in the morning and I needed to wake her up in order to get to Good Morning America where we performing very early. After that we had our second 1D Day that was only 5 hours. As soon as we finished that, it was Lottie's birthday so we had her birthday party that night. 

Daisy's little eyes fluttered open and she whined rubbing her eyes before sticking her thumb into her mouth - a habit when she was tired. "We need to get going," I whispered snuggling into her side. "Don't want to," she whined closing her eyes again. "I know," I mumbled against her head before kissing the side of her head. "C'mon," I mumbled lifting her out of the bed. I quickly undressed and redressed her before Daisy grabbed her blanket, her thumb still in her mouth and big bags under her eyes. I grabbed my phone and Daisy's hand before we walked towards the set for GMA. We had luckily been staying in a hotel across the road from the set and so it didn't take long for us to get there. 

"Louis! Louis!" I heard Lottie call to me and I turned around to see her walking towards me. She had a big smile on her face and I rolled my eyes. "Happy Birthday Lots, what do you want?" I asked. "Have you got a tenner?" she asked fluttering her eye lashes at me as Daisy ran over to her and Lottie pulled her into her still staring at me. I chuckled before pulling out 10 dollars and handing it over to her. "Thanks Louis, love you," she told me as I chuckled again. "Yeah course you do, what are you doing with it, can you take Dais?" I asked and she nodded telling me she was going to buy Starbucks. 

Lottie P.O.V

I picked Daisy up and walked towards the Starbucks across the road. "You want anything?" I asked waiting in the que. "That," she pointed to a granola cookie and I nodded buying that and myself a drink before making my way back to the set. 

Daisy was nibbling on her cookie as I made my way to the hair and make up room and placing her on my lap. Shortly after all the boys came in to get their hair and make up done and so I threw Daisy at Louis before starting on Harry's make up.  

"Can I have some?" I heard Daisy ask referring to my drink and I nodded turning to her. "You might not like it though it has some coffee in it," I warned her. She took a sip before gagging and throwing it back at me, everyone laughing as she wiped her tongue on Louis' tshirt. "Eugh," he shouted wiping his shirt. 

Louis P.O.V

The show was underway and we were on a break so Lou and Lottie came out to do our make up and sort out our hair. I had seen my Mum, Dan, Fizzy and Phoebe arrive and so waved running over to the side and kissing Phoebe's head as she was lifted up by Fizzy and kissing Fizzy as well. I ran back over to my chair as Niall turned to Lottie with an evil smile. "Oh no Niall," I mumbled knowing exactly what he was going to do. "It's Lottie's birthday today, Happy Birthday to you," he began singing and stood up hugging her to his chest as Lottie sighed looking away, clearly embarrassed. "Happy Birthday to you," the whole crowd finished and I laughed pulling Lottie in to hug her. 

The show finished within around an hour and so we packed up making our way to the set of 1D Day. My Mum and the rest of my family had gone to the hotel pool and so I only had Daisy and obviously Lottie with me. We had to go straight into it after changing and it was currently Harry and I's hour. "Okay let's play feel the entourage," Scott said happily as we were blindfolded. The first few were simply security guards etc but the last one had to be the cutest. "Okay feel the entourage," Scott set us off. We went to feel but heard laughs as we couldn't feel anything. "Little bit lower," Scott helped us crouch down and we started feeling again. "Hey little one," I cooed tickling Daisy as she giggled. "Daisy!" Harry called and we took of our blindfolds smiling down at the little girl. 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N Sorry it is short. i just wanted to get something on here. Hope you enjoyed it xxxx

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