Surprise, surprise...

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Louis P.O.V

It was around 5am and I was very anxious to wake Daisy up so we could get to the airport mainly because we were at the AMA's until about 1 the night before. However, if she woke up to get onto the plane, she could sleep on the way to where we were flying to. 

"Dais baby, time to get up," I whispered as I crouched beside her bed stroking her wild hair from her face.  "Mmmm," she mumbled turning over to face me. "Good morning," I cooed kissing her forehead, "we're leaving soon, do you want to get dressed or should I bring your clothes?" 

"Stay in my pyjamas," she mumbled and I nodded lifting her up and carrying her over where her clothes were laid out. I packed them into her little rucksack and grabbed her blanket off of the bed. "C'mon then," I cooed carrying her out of the room with her rucksack and our two suitcases on my back. 

Once we made it down to the lobby, I placed Daisy on the floor and put her backpack onto her before grabbing her hand. She whined looking up at me and lifting her hands up at me. "No darling, sorry I can't carry you right now," I told her before she whined again and stomped in front of me faster. "Daisy," I said sternly grabbing her hand, before taking my suitcase in my other hand and putting my rucksack on my back. "You need to hold my hand," I firmly said taking her hand again as she pulled it back again. She let out a cry but took my hand anyway before I led her outside and into the awaiting car. After a couple of minutes Zayn and Perrie climbed into the car with Zayn kissing Daisy on the forehead and Perrie cuddling a crying Daisy close to her. I was not angry with Daisy for having a meltdown I just knew she was tired. 

The car ride was short and we were able to get onto the plane quite quickly seen as it was private and so I was easily able to get Daisy to sleep quite quickly. I had been planning her surprise for a while now and so I really hoped that she would stay asleep until we arrived. 

The plane arrived at around 8 in the morning in the time zone we were in at that point however in England it was only 2 in the morning so I was hoping she would stay asleep due to the darkness. "Shhh," I mumbled lifting Daisy's asleep state up and grabbing my bag before meeting Perrie and Zayn in the aisle. The car was outside and so I placed Daisy into the car seat provided buckling her up before covering her with the blanket. By the time we arrived home, Daisy still wasn't awake and so I rang the doorbell where my Mum was already waiting excited to have us home. Lottie had decided to come home early and so she had already seen Lottie. 

"Daisy, look who it is!" I whispered into her ear as her little eyes fluttered open. Her mouth widened in shock and she squirmed in my arms. My Mum laughed taking her from me and kissing her again and again. "Mummy," she laughed/sighed while she snuggled into her. My Mum and I laughed before we walked into the living room. "Surprise Daisy," I laughed as she cuddled into Mum.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N Sorry I haven't updated in SO long. Hope you enjoyed it xxxxxx

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