Party Time And Sleepovers...

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Louis P.O.V

"Can I wear this?" I heard Daisy ask holding up her little turquoise strappy dress. "Sure thing babe," I smiled taking off her previous clothes and helping her into the dress. 

The live stream had finished a couple of hours before and I had chucked on a tshirt and some black jeans before trying to get some writing done while Daisy watched High School Musical. I was pleased with the amount I had written but we soon had to get to the party and so I grabbed some converse before putting Daisy's sandals on her feet. 

Someone knocked on the door and I opened it to see a smiling Phoebe staring up at me. "Hello," I laughed picking her up and kissing her all over the face whilst digging my fingers into her sides making her cackle with laughter. I continued into the suite where Daisy still had High School Musical on and so I lightly threw Phoebe next to her before getting in between them. "Mwah," I turned to Daisy and gave her a kiss, "And Mwah," I gave Phoebe a kiss. They both giggled and snuggled further into me before going quiet again. "Phoeb's, does Mummy know you're here?" I asked as she looked away guiltily. I raised my eyebrows sternly at her before picking her up and walking to the door again, going to find my Mum. "Phoebe, you have to ask Mummy before you go anywhere, she could be worried," I told her firmly. Even though their room was only down the hall, I didn't want Phoebe to be walking around alone at the age of seven. 

I knocked on the door as Phoebe pushed her face into my shoulder and I held my hand against the back of her head. Dan answered and he sighed in relief as he saw Phoebe in my arms. "Oh, Phoebe," he sighed in relief, "Jay, Louis has her," he called as my Mum came into view in clear distress. "She came in about 10 minutes ago," I laughed as my Mum frowned sternly at the little girl in my arms. "Phoebe, you know you're not supposed to go anywhere without asking first," she scolded leaning to look at Phoebe's face. I looked down at the little girl with the same stern expression as my Mum continued to talk to her. 

My Mum was soon finished and I walked back to the room setting Phoebe in the corner as asked to. "Stay there," I warned walking back over to the sofa and sitting next to Daisy. 

I left Phoebe there for seven minutes before crouching behind where her nose was pressed into the corner. I took her arm turning her around before looking at her. "Phoebe, you were put here because you need to ask before you go anywhere, you could of gotten hurt, m'ok?" I explained and she nodded apologizing while I kissed her temple picking her up and walking back over to the sofa.

It was soon time to arrive at the party and so I shut the TV off before jumping into the taxi, meeting my Mum and Dan downstairs as my two hyper little twin sisters held onto my legs singing.

The party was huge and Lottie was having a great time so we were happy for that. I was sat having a drink with Ashton and Luke when a very sleepy looking Phoebe came stumbling over to me. I knew it would be a bit late for them to be up and so I had agreed I would take them back to the hotel when they were getting too tired. I lifted Phoebe into my lap before carrying on talking but I soon heard a whine and knew that Phoebe and probably Daisy had, had enough. I then said goodbye to everyone as I managed to grab Daisy on my way through meeting my Mum at the entrance. 

"Her bag is already in your room, no dummy unless she had a complete panic attack, if it is a meltdown don't give in," my Mum explained as I nodded knowing they were trying to get Phoebe to ditch her beloved dummy. "Good night darlings," my Mum cooed kissing both the twins before kissing my cheek. I then carried on outside Phoebe in my arms and Daisy hanging onto my tshirt. 

I got into the waiting taxi and was driven to the hotel. As soon as I arrived at the hotel, I got out first and individually lifted both twins out before holding their hands. I heard Daisy let out a whine and looked down to see her holding her other hand up at me. I shook my head, sympathizing with her.

"Sorry Dais, I can't carry both of you so neither of you can be carried," I apologized soon making it to the room and letting myself in. Daisy ran over to the sofa and tried to turn the TV on but I shook my head grabbing two towels. "No Dais, we're having a bath and going to bed," I warned ushering them into the bathroom and locking the door. I quickly undressed them both and set them in the bath, letting them play for five minutes or so before washing them. "Who's first?" I teased holding out one of the towels as they both shook their heads and whined, not wanting to get out. "Guess it's Daisy," I picked lifting her out and cradling her in the towel before walking to the hotel bed and laying her down.

I walked back into the bathroom and lifted Phoebe up cradling her with a towel before laying her next to Daisy. "Let's match," I decided grabbing a pair of underwear and the same pair of pyjamas for them. "Powder!" Phoebe yelled and I laughed before grabbing the talcum powder and sprinkling it over both of them. Daisy already had her pyjama top and underwear and so I did the same to Phoebe before standing them up and putting on their pyjama bottoms.

"Alright bedtime," I announced laying them in the bed opposite mine. "No, dummy," Phoebe cried and I knew it had started. "Phoebe, you don't need it do you? You're a big girl," I encouraged kneeling next to her and stroking her hair. "I love you, i'll see you in the morning," I cooed kissing both their heads and ignoring Phoebe's whines.

I knew it was a security for her but she needed to learn to deal without it at night time. I smiled as I heard her whines go quieter realising she had fallen fast asleep.

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