Attitude Check...

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"Dais, come on darling, I know you want Mummy but we have to go," I cooed lifting her away from my Iphone that had my Mum on facetime to her. "Give her one last kiss," I told Daisy smiling down at her. "Mwah," my Mum kissed her through the phone and we were out the door. After the success of the last 1D Day we had decided to redo it. It  was the following day but we were rehearsing the day before and so I had decided to leave to ensure we had enough time to do everything. 

"Louis," I heard Daisy moan from her seat next to me in the car. "Daisy," I moaned back smiling down at her but she didn't laugh only frowned. "What's up buttercup?" I cooed stroking her hair back. "I'm going to be SO bored," she whined kicking in her seat. "Well you won't be bored when we get there, i'll find you plenty to do," I teased bringing her chin to face me and kissing her. I was so grateful to have two members of my family on tour with me considering El and I had unfortunately just broken up. She wanted to be free from cameras and I completely understood with the amount of hate she had been receiving however I had yet to tell Daisy and didn't know how she would react considering her and El were really close. Thinking it wouldn't go too badly I decided to tell her in our car ride not realising the storm I would cause.

"Dais, you know how El loves you very much?" I questioned and she nodded looking over at me, "Well El and I have decided to break up but not because we don't like each other anymore, because El gets a lot of mean stuff said about her and she wanted to be able to live a normal life so she left," I blurted out hoping she would take it alright. "Talk to be baby," I cooed as I got nothing back. She whined turning around in her car seat to face out the window away from me. I sighed staying silent for the rest of the journey until we reached the dressing room. 

Once we arrived in the dressing room, I looked to see Daisy stood silently by the door and looked over at Niall and Harry who were already in the room as they gave me a knowing look obviously realising that I had told Daisy. "Daisy come and talk to me for a minute darling," I cooed holding my arms out to her as I lent on a table. She ignored me and I rolled my eyes at the boys as they laughed. I walked over to where she was standing and crouched down in front of her. "Daisy, I asked to talked to you now either you come and talk to me like a big grown up girl or you talk to me anyway and then after I'm done i'll have to force you to take a nap like a baby and then you will go in time out for disobeying because it seems you are very tired and cranky today," I warned looking her straight in the eyes. She whined before I took her hand and led her over to the sofa. "Daisy talk to me sweetheart," I cooed lifting her into my lap. "El still loves you, you know. She left so that she can have a normal life. It wouldn't be fair for her to be unhappy and she wouldn't like for you to be unhappy m'ok? So cheer up, El loves you and I love you," I finished patting her back and letting her down. She yawned and I cooed before lifting her onto the sofa and covering her with her blanket. "Get some sleep you're overtired and upset," I cooed kissing her forehead before following the boys out for our sound check. 

"Lottie," I shouted as I spotted my little sister, "Daisy is asleep in the dressing room please can you go and check on her in a bit?" I asked and she nodded before we started rehearsing. 

We were in the middle of the sound check when Lottie walked in with Daisy in tow. Once Daisy saw me she sprinted over to me and I laughed lifting her up onto my hip. "Okay baby?" I asked Daisy bouncing her on my hip. "I'm awake now," she stated the obvious and I laughed assuring her I knew. "Go and sit with Lottie," I cooed putting her down. "No," she whined frowning at me. "Sorry sweetie, I have to finish, go on i'm sure she'll let you play on her phone," I bribed and she walked over to Lottie before I finished sound check and saw it was dinnertime so called Daisy over to eat. 

"Daisy, dinner," I called as she ignored me from where she was sat on Lottie's lap. I walked over and crouched down in front of her putting us face to face. "Dais, it's time to eat," I teased as she giggled and I stood up holding my hand up for her while she gave Lottie her phone back. "C'mon," I mumbled as I grabbed her hand only to have her whine and rub her eye, holding her other hand up to let me know she wanted picking up. "Dais, you can walk like a big girl," I implemented continuing to walk to the catering room. Once we got there I let Daisy choose her food before leading her over to the table. "Daisy baby can you take my beer and i'll take your plate for you?" I asked and she nodded carrying the beer over to the table. "Not want a drink?" I asked and she nodded. "What would you like?" I wondered setting her in a chair. "Coke?" she mumbled smiling cheekily at me knowing I didn't let her have coke unless it was for a treat as she got hyper with it. "Dais," I warned raising my eyebrows at her. "Lemonade?" she questioned and I nodded walking over to get her a minute maid lemonade before starting our meal. 

I had let Daisy get a pudding because she had, had a rough day but I turned around to see her taking two so got up to make her put one back. "Daisy put one back, you don't need too baby doll," I warned as I took one and put it back. She took it back again and frowned bending down in front of her. "Daisy take it again and you are going to bed. You have disobeyed me enough today," I said sternly putting the pudding back. I sighed as she took it back again and put them both back picking her up quickly in anger however she kicked and screamed. 

I took her into the dressing room and put her down patting her bum to get her moving. "Get dressed please, you are going to bed," I warned leaning against the door frame with my arms crossed. "Where are they?" she asked as I raised my eyebrows in anger, pointing to my bag. "You know they are in my bag Daisy now stop stalling!" I warned as she let out a cry. "No don't you start crying or you can continue this early bedtime for the next week," I said firmly so that she would go and get her pyjamas. "Are we going to get into our pyjamas by our self or am I going to have to dress you myself like a baby because you are acting like one lately," I said sternly as she made no attempt to move and I sighed pulling her over and grabbing her pyjamas. "Lay down then," I said lifting her onto the floor and getting her changed. "Goodnight," I said laying her blanket over her and walking out.

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