Morning At Home...

882 17 0

Louis P.O.V

Today, Daisy and I were home for the day and I don't think she could of been more excited. I turned over as I woke up before hearing my bedroom door squeak open slightly. I heard little giggles and so closed my eyes, pretending I was asleep. All of a sudden I had two little girls jumping on me as they screamed to wake up. I pretended to wake up before widening my eyes in 'shock' and grabbing Phoebe who happened to be closest. 

I preceded to tickle Phoebe as Daisy grabbed my hand trying to get it off her twin. As Daisy broke Phoebe free I grabbed both of them and began to tickle them both. I grabbed Daisy's pyjama top and blew a raspberry on her tummy, making her squeal before doing the same to her twin. After I knew that they had, had enough of a 'punishment', I let them go playfully hitting them on the bum to get them going. "Breakfast," I said in a funny voice, making them giggle and run down the stairs. I grabbed my phone, following behind them and into the kitchen where my Mum and Dan were.

"Morning my lovelies," my Mum smiled kissing the twins on the forehead. Daisy lifted her arms up and my Mum smiled lifting her up for a cuddle. Mum made Daisy's favorite breakfast of pancakes and she ate it all with a huge smile on her face. "Louis can you get Phoebe ready?" my Mum asked as we finished breakfast and I nodded as Phoebe had to have her school uniform on and I needed to drop her because it was a school day. 

"Come on then trouble," I smiled as Phoebe hung onto my arm. I lifted her up as I walked up the stairs and into the twins room, pulling out Phoebe's uniform as I heard a little giggle. I turned around in just enough time to see Phoebe dart out of the room with my phone in her hand. I chuckled chasing after her with a large smile on my face. She made it to the top of the stairs before I grabbed her from behind, lifting her over my shoulder and 'raspberrying' her on the tummy. She let out a loud ecstatic laugh as I carried her back into her room and placing her on the floor. "I'll take that," I mocked grabbing the phone out of her hand. She giggled before I knelt down in front of her, taking off her pyjamas and pulling her polo top over her head, grabbing a pair of knickers and pulling them on as well as she held onto my shoulders. I then sat her down pulling on her tights and her skirt, before helping her into her cardigan and doing the buttons up. "Go and get Mummy to do your hair," I told her handing her, her hairbrush and a couple of hairbands, knowing she would probably want french plaits.

Just then, Daisy poked her head around the door and I smiled knowing that I had a surprise for her today. Eleanor and I had been texting back and forth for a couple of weeks and we had decided to start dating again so I was taking Daisy with me today to meet her at the shopping centre. She came and sat on my lap and I smiled kissing the top of her head. "I have a surprise for you today," I told her, talking into her hair as she played on my phone. "Really what?!" she exclaimed looking up at me with wide eyes. "Well if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise," I smiled and she giggled before ordering me to leave so she could get dressed into her clothes, my Mum had laid out for her on her bed.

Once Daisy had got dressed, I grabbed both the twins telling my Mum I would be back just after lunch and placing them both into the back of my car, taking Phoebe's school bag and putting it into the passenger seat. The drive to Phoebe's school was quick and quiet, considering neither of them were 'morning people'. When we got there, I picked up Phoebe's bag and quickly ran her to her classroom, leaving Daisy in the car for a couple of minutes. Once I got back into the car, I turned to Daisy with a grin on my face - "Ready for your surprise?"

We had got to the shopping centre and Daisy frowned turning to me with a questioning look. "There's your surprise," I pointed out as Eleanor stood on her phone in the distance. Daisy frowned trying to see who I was pointing to and her mouth hung open as she looked up at me before sprinting over to El. I laughed following after her and as I got to her, Daisy was already in her arms, smiling the biggest smile I have ever seen. "Hi babe," I muttered against El's lips as she smiled. "Good to see you Lou." Our moment was interrupted by Daisy whining for us to go shopping as we both laughed following after her as she dragged Eleanor by her hand and me along as I was holding El's hand.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N Thank you for reading! Again, sorry for it taking so long xxxxx

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