Little Diva...

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Louis P.O.V

Tonight we had the AMA's and although I wouldn't usually take her, I had decided to take Daisy along. 

However she was being extremely moody. I was sat at the kitchen table in the hotel suite on Twitter waiting for Daisy to wake up when she walked out, her hair a mess and big bags under her eyes. "Morning baby," I cooed as she walked over to me. She said nothing as I lifted her into my lap. As I continued to search through twitter, Daisy stuck her thumb into her mouth and I pushed her into me, stroking her hair. I gently pulled her thumb from her mouth as she made a noise of protest and frowned up at me putting her thumb back into her mouth. "No," I stated firmly with raised eyebrows. She frowned before taking out her thumb. 

I decided that considering we didn't have anything planned for the day except the AMA's that Daisy and I would go out exploring for a while. 

"Dais, how about we get dressed and then... we'll go and have ice cream for breakfast!" I exclaimed. Her eyes immediately lit up as she jumped off my lap and sprinted into her room. I followed behind her chuckling quietly to myself and watched as she yanked out her favourite jumpsuit. "I want this!" she exclaimed. I walked over to her and lifted her up onto the bed. "Hurry up Louis!" she yelled obviously excited and I laughed to myself. "Hurry up? Attitude check, you little monkey!" I replied tickling her tummy before dressing her into the outfit she had picked out.

"C'mon then," I mumbled grabbing my phone and wallet off the side. Daisy ran beside me as we made our way to the elevator, clearly excited at the prospect of a 'normal' day. "Hmm, lets go and grab some ice cream and then we can maybe go to the theme park?!" I asked and she nodded with a huge smile. 

"Hold my hand baby, it might be busy out there," I told her grabbing her little hand and continuing out the hotel. Luckily there was no fans outside so I was able to walk quickly to the ice cream shop across the road. Daisy skipped along and we swung hands until we made it to the small ice cream parlour. 

"Woah..." I heard Daisy mumble looking around the colourful shop. "Which would you like babe?" I asked lifting her to see through the glass. "Bubblegum!" she exclaimed pointing to the bright blue ice cream. "Alright," I sighed seeing that if it got on her pale jump suit, it would stain. 

"Hiya, one small bubblegum in a cone and a strawberry in a pot please," I told the cashier as I payed him and then took the two ice creams going to sit at a nearby table. "Daisy, grab some napkins please," I told her as she obeyed going over to get a pile of napkins. "Good girl, thank you," I praised taking a few and wrapping it around her cone. "Careful," I warned as she took it with an excited smile. We talked quietly to each other as my phone rang, seeing the caller ID as Harry. 

"Alright mate?" I answered smiling down at Daisy's blue face. "Louis, you realise we have to leave in three hours for the awards?" he asked chuckling at my calm state. "Oh shoot, I forgot!" I answered getting up and putting my pot in the bin. "Okay, i'm coming back now," I finished ending the call. "Dais, sorry baby, we have to leave soon but I promise that we'll do something fun when we get to LA, promise!" I told her feeling very guilty. "Okay," she replied shrugging whilst continuing to demolish her ice cream. "Let's go, i'll carry you and you can finish that on the way," I told her lifting her onto my hip and grabbing the napkins for later. 

Once I had made it back to the hotel, I started a bath for Daisy and Lou came to start on my hair. "Daisy come here a second so you can get into the bath," I called turning the tap off. Daisy appeared in the door way with blue colouring smeared across her entire face. "C'mere baby girl," I cooed taking a napkin and wiping across her face before she got undressed and I lifted her into the bath. I told her that I would be in the main room while Lou did my hair and left. 

Daisy soon got out of the bath and I handed her a dress taking off her little duck towel. "No I don't want that one!" she moaned seeing that I had picked out a simple white dress with a pattern on the top. "Well you're wearing it so put it on please," I warned as she stood there in just her underwear frowning at me. "Are you going to put it on yourself or am I going to have to do it for you?" I asked sternly holding her hands in mine. She frowned letting out a cry. "Ah ah, don't start crying, put the dress on please," I warned. She let out a groan pulling the dress on. I smiled in satisfaction before lifting her onto my lap. 

"You tired?" I cooed as her eyes were drooping. "No!" she declined, pulling herself up in my lap. "Shh, you're tired, let's take a nap," I cooed pretending to snore. As I looked back up I saw her eyes had fluttered shut and I grabbed her blanket off of the side covering her before gently pulling her thumb out of her mouth.]

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N It's been a while! Thank you so much for reading! I finish school on Wednesday so I hope to update my books during the summer. 

Thank you for reading again xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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