Back to Square One...

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Louis P.O.V

Since around an hour ago when I told Daisy off, she has been very clingy towards me and I worried that tonight she will flip out when I have to go on stage.

I was walking to go for a work out leaving Daisy with Lottie and Lou. I really was hoping that she would behave for them but considering her behaviour the past few days, she had been getting worse and worse. "Louis," I heard Lottie call and I was turned around to be met with a worried looking Lottie and a crying Daisy in her arms. "Daisy..." I sighed, taking her from her current place in Lottie's arms. "What's wrong baby?" I cooed as I rubbed her back turning to look at her face. She wouldn't say a word to me, making me extremely worried. "Hmmm?" I cooed patting her bum.

I went to feel her forehead and sucked in a breath. She was very hot and I was instantly worried for her. "Lottie go and get a thermometer please," I said grabbing a towel and putting it under the cold tap for when I had taken her temperature. Sure enough Lottie returned back with a thermometer and I sat Daisy in my lap putting it in front of her mouth. "Daisy," I started turning her to look at me. I placed it under her tongue and we sat there in silence for a moment me rubbing up and down on her overheated back.

Beep! I was quick to remove the thermometer and it read 110F. "Oh baby," I cooed lifting her onto my hip and grabbing the cold towel placing it on her head. "Let's have a bath," I cooed carrying her towards the bathroom. "No," she whined pushing against me. "Shhhhh," I mumbled turning on the tap. I set her down in front of me and pulled her top off discarding it on the floor. I lifted her onto the floor and removed her leggings and underwear before lifting her back onto my hip. "I don't want a bath!" she whined before screaming at me in full tantrum. "Ah-ah," I warned hoisting her higher onto my hip. The bath was soon done and I placed her into it where she sat miserably, still crying and screaming. I was quick to wash her off and took her out before catching her around the waist as she tried to run. I lifted her up and grabbed a big fluffy towel wrapping her in it. "Come on," I sighed as she still struggled. I grabbed some underwear from the suitcase and laid her down. "Brrrr," I said tickling her sides. She still didn't laugh as I rolled my eyes putting on her onesie. I stood her up and zipped it up lifting her back onto my hip.

"Let's go for a sleep," I said cuddling her close. "No!" she shouted with big fat tears rolling down her face yet again. "Yeah you're going to bed," I said more to myself before laying her down on the sofa and laying beside her.

"Gimme kiss," I said puckering my lips at her. "Mmmmm-wah," I kissed her as she made no attempt to move. "You'll feel better soon babe," I promised, "I hope," I mumbled more to myself as her eyes shut and she was taken into a deep sleep.

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————-A/N hope you enjoyed this chapter.

If you have any ideas of what could happen in this book please feel free to share them.

Thankyou xxxxxxxx

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