First day of the rest of your life...

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Louis P.O.V

"Dais, time to get up darling," I whispered lovingly into her ear. "Mmmm," she mumbled turning over in my lap. Our plane had just landed and it was around 3 in the morning in LA. She continued to slap away my hands as I kept tickling her. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and I smiled lovingly at her. "Hello monkey," I cooed, "we're getting off now, come on."

I followed Lottie and Daisy grabbing my rucksack and Daisy's little bag ensuring I had everything. Lottie and Daisy ran hand in hand down the aisle to get into the airport, Daisy giggling along. It was amazing to hear her laugh after so long. "Louis, which thing?" Lottie called back at me, throwing her hands around dramatically. I knew exactly what she was talking about, the baggage collection, but I decided to mess with her a bit. "And what 'thing' would you be talking about Lottie?" I 'wondered'. "The...the...thing." she concluded defeated. "Again, what do you mean by that?" I joked, hand on my chin. "Oh for god sake..." she mumbled hand on her forehead. I finally broke and lead my two little sisters to the right place.

As we collected our baggage, my gaze turned to Daisy. She was smiling, laughing. I made a vouch to myself that I would never let anyone hurt her or any of my family for that matter ever again.

"Louis, sweets?" I turn my gaze down to Daisy as she ran up to me pleading for sweets. I followed her stare over to a small sweet stand across the way from us. A part of me wanted to let her have all of them but it was 3 in the morning and I was not going to be up with her all night hyper. "No sorry Dais, it's too late for sweets, if you're hungry you can have a sandwich." I cooed stroking her hair back. Her bottom lip quivered and I rolled my eyes at her antics as she started to cry dramatically. "Daisy Freya Tomlinson," I said sternly bending to her height and holding her hands restricting her from her tantrum. "I said no, and if you don't stop you will not get any sweets for the next week," I enforced firmly. I understood what she had been through but I was not going to put up with a bratty child. With my stern words, Daisy still continued and so I lifted her onto my hip. By then Lottie had managed to get our four suitcases onto the trolley and we left the airport, me still carrying Daisy, who despite all her tears and tantrums is one of the best people in my life.

"Here Lotts, i'll do that," I told her placing Daisy in the car and taking the suitcases to put them in the back. After I had done that I climbed into the car and we were driven to our hotel. It was only around 10pm in England and so Lottie was still awake as we arrived however Daisy was struggling to stay awake. I picked her up onto my hip and someone grabbed our suitcases. Niall passed us in the lobby and came running up to us excitedly. "Hello!" he yelled in his distinguished Irish accent. "Alright mate," I laughed as he greeted us. "Is she ok?" he wondered and nodded towards Daisy. "Yeah just some tears and tantrums from tiredness I think more than anything," I mumbled kissing the top of her head. We talked for a little bit longer, me occasionally 'sshing' Daisy as she cried, until around 11 (English time) and then I knew I needed to get Daisy asleep. We said our goodbyes and I continued upstairs into the room I would be sharing with El (A/N I know they aren't together still but for the story) when she gets here and Lottie and Daisy's conjoined room. "We won't do baths tonight," I muttered more to myself. "I'm going to bed," I heard Lottie call to me. "Alright I love you," I called back. "Love you too," she replied.

I laid Daisy on the bed and undressed her before changing her into a pair of pyjamas. "No," she said and struggled as I lifted her into bed. "Shhhh, you're tired darling, go to sleepy time," I cooed stroking her hair back as I knelt by the side of the bed."No don't wanna," she whined trying to get up. "Ah ah, come on it's bedtime," I cooed. "Goodnight girls, I love you, " I said kissing them both on the head. "Come and get me Lottie if you need to for you know who," I called as I turned off the light.



Hey guys,

I'm back from Barcelona and it was AMAZING, although we were on a coach for 24 hours yesterday on the down side...

I may post another story today (maybe adoption?) any suggestions?

Thank you for reading xxxxxxxx

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