Last Show and Going Home...

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Louis P.O.V

Today is our last show until we go on our year break. I am excited to be able to spend as much time with Daisy and the rest of my family as possible. We are currently in Yorkshire so I can't wait to play to the last crowd in my hometown.

"Daisy," I whispered snuggling up to her side and nuzzling my nose into her neck. She whined turning over to face away from me and I chuckled telling her it was time to get up. "Come on," I mumbled climbing out of bed and rubbing her back softly. She turned over and smiled softly as I kissed her forehead. "Guess where we're going today?" I asked excitedly and she frowned shrugging. "Home!" I yelled lifting her up out of bed and jumping around with her. I continued to sing about going home making her giggle as there was a knock on the door. 

"Good morning," I bowed to Lottie and she rolled her eyes pushing passed me into the room and kissing Daisy on the way in. "Sam said to tell you that you need to be at the arena by just gone 12 o'clock so you can soundcheck," she explained and I nodded watching her type away on her phone. 

"Come on then, Miss Daisy, time for a quick shower and then we'll get something to eat on the way to the arena," I told her as she frowned crossing her arms, a pout being evident on her face. I raised my eyebrows beckoning her into the bathroom. "I don't want one," she whined. "And I don't want to deal with your whining," I mocked lifting her up and placing her into the bathroom. "You're not coming out until you've had you're shower," I warned closing the door behind me. 

Soon, Daisy had finally showered and everyone one was dressed so we left for the arena but not before making a stop at Pizza Express for lunch. Niall and Liam met us in the car park, I didn't know where Harry was and we made our way into the reserved private space that the restaurant had saved for us. Niall was carrying Daisy of course as always, Daisy loved Niall very much and that was a fact. 

Once we made it into the restaurant, I sat Daisy down next to me and then Liam was across from me and Niall across from Daisy. The rest of the crew who had joined us were spread across the rest of the table. The waitress came and handed us our menus so we browsed through. 

"Daisy what would you like?" I asked and she shook her head a sour look on her face. "I don't want anything!" she whined pushing her chair away from the table and beginning to get down. "Whoa, where are we going?" I asked grabbing ahold of her hand. "Toilet," she groaned and I nodded but not before pulling her into my lap. "You may go to the toilet, right after you tell me what you want to eat," I implemented sternly. "I want Niall," she whined reaching out to him across the table and I widened my eyes almost daring Niall to say yes to her. "Sorry princess," he cooed shaking his head, "Tell Louis what you want to eat," he reinforced returning to looking at his menu. "I don't want anything!" she near enough shouted hitting the table. "Well then i'll order yours," I warned and she frowned turning away. "Fine," she moaned attempting to get down but not before I turned her around in my lap, looking her straight in the eyes. "And you will eat everything," I mumbled sternly before letting her off my lap for Lottie to take her to the toilet. 

Soon the waitress came back and everyone ordered, me ordering the lasagne for Daisy. The waitress brought back a colouring sheet and crayons for Daisy and I thanked her however Daisy turned away, obviously not in the mood to colour. "You not colouring?" Liam asked and she shook her head burying it into my chest. "Fine then we'll play naughts and crosses," Niall teased reaching across the table for the pot of crayons and the piece of paper. Niall and Liam continued to play like the children they are as our food arrived.

As the waitress placed Daisy's food in front of her, she frowned pushing it away. "What is it?" she asked me. "It's lasagne, it pasta with sauce," I told her and she frowned. I began to cut it up for her before holding a piece up to her mouth. She tried it and frowned. "I don't like that," she frowned. "Well you had the decision to choose but you chose not to," I reminded her, holding another piece up. "It's too hot," she whined shaking her head as I retracted my hand blowing on it slightly. "Try now." She ate it, grimacing at the taste. "Do you think you can eat the rest like a big girl?" I asked and she nodded beginning to eat so I turned back to eating mine. However as I turned to check on her once I had finished mine, I realised she had not taken one bite and had just been moving the food around the plate. "Daisy Tomlinson, do I have to force you to eat it?" I warned taking her into my lap. "Do I have to treat you like a baby?" I asked sternly looking her in the eyes. She whined again turning away in my lap. I picked up a forkful and put it in front of her mouth. "Open up," I said and she shook her head. I tickled her side slightly until she opened her mouth to laugh and I rammed the fork in. "Don't you dare spit it out!" I said firmly as I watched her intently. This continued until she had finished the whole plate, we paid and then left for the arena.

At the concert...

My Mum, Dan and Phoebe had just arrived and I hugged all of them before Daisy stole Mum to go and cuddle with. Fizzy had been in London with her boyfriend, Rishi so she had been coming and going to shows for the last couple of weeks. It felt so nice to have all my family there and as I sat and watched Daisy dancing around with her oh so beloved twin, I knew she was on the road to being fixed.


A/N SO SORRY it had taken so long but thank you for reading. Thank you for waiting for so long xxxxx

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