Disney Land Magic

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Zayn's P.O.V.

We finally had a break from all the interviews and photoshots and decided on a vacation.

But not just any vacation, were going to disney land!!

"Alright i expected all of you to be on your best behavior, Emerald there is gonna be rules especfically for you, that is 1. You are to be with one of us boys at all times and if we tell you to do something you are to obey right away, no arguements its very dangerous there and we are wanting to keep you safe, got it?"

"Yes sir Zaynie." Emmy giggles.

"As for the rest of us, we are going to have to be good role models guys. Especially cause we are out in public. Always have your eyes on emmy. Got it?" There was a bunch of 'yeahs' and 'okays' heard i noded

"Okay then lets go."

We got in the car and headed to the airport.


"Louis!" I hear one of the boys yell.

"I swear to god if you dont stop i'll..."

"Liam don't even think about saying it or doing it hear wait til we get on the dang plane!" I scold

"Okay sorry he is just really pushing it purposely. " liam says.

"Louis i hope you know, the leacture you will be getting will be no where near boring, you will be begging for forgivness if you do not FIX this problem of yours." I say loud enough he could here me but making it un obviously of what really will be happening, just incase people walked by heard us.

Louis gives me a short nod. And we board our plane with anymore problems hopfully it will be like this the entire vacation relaxing

a hour into the Plane ride i was sitting in my seat, relaxing, when all of a sudden I here shouting from Liam, faint crying and laughter. The crying sounded likeEmmy I so I hopped up from my seat and going back to our cabins.

"What the heck is going on here." I yelled causing everybody to stop what they were doing Emmy runs over to me crying and I pick her up and she lays her head in my neck.

"I want anwsers now guys...." I growled rubbing circles in her back. It seems Liam isnt in here for some reason when I thought he would be.

Then Niall and Louis both talking at once Harry just sits there looking back and forth between the two.

"Shut up both of you right now of you both can be spanked!" I shouted, emmy began to cry more so I stopped.

" babe why don't you go find Liam or Paul?"

"No want zaynie and hazza she cried."

"You can't have us both babe and hazza has to stay here with me so we can sort out what happen and someone can be punished or not so you can't stay here."

"But I wants to she says cutly gosh it's hard to believe she is 12 years old.

" well you don't wanna hear uncle zaynie yell do you?"

"Know you scary when you yell."

"Well, I am gonna end up yelling again so or later and we don't want you to get scared so how about you go find Liam and we will cuddle afterwords. Yeah?"

"Noos I want hazza."

I sigh and bring her over to Harry. I am gonna try my best to stay calm with these boys so I don't scare Emmy.

"Alright Harry explain to me why they are fighting and where the heck Liam is? And why he was shouting."

"Okay umm first Liam was in the loo and probably trying to get you to come in here and take care of this.. And far as Louis and Niall go, Louis and Niall here thought It would be Nice to pick on emmy like five year olds and I try telling them to stop but all they did was ignore me so I tried leaving and getting emmy but they refuse to let me get to you and threaten to sp- punish me anything was said and they would lie to you saying I was the one to be doing of this and... I'm sorry Zayn they are older them me they over powered me."

"Haz calm down, boys when we land back at home you will find me a switch to use, one each and the better be good ones or you will be going out there with a freshly spanked bum, by my belt and you will get twice as much as with the switch I know its harsh but what you did is unacceptable you not only blackmailed Harry, but also threatened him, scared and pick on emmy and hurt her feelings your lucky I don't inform your mother's on what you did and if you miss be have even the slightest the rest of the trip you won't be sitting for a while got it?" I calmly informed them. They both look terrified at my threat and I am probably gonna hear it fully from Liam but I they seriously deserve it. These to are the ones who always miss behave and I am finished with it they are gonna learn not to misbehave badly anymore, me and Liam seem to be going to soft and this is it done.. No more of there foolish ness.

Our Baby.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang