Two Weeks Vaca, Never Enough

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Guess who's updating up me 😉😑

Zayn's P.O.V.

I calmly explain to Louis what happen though out the time he was gone about liam taking charge when really none of us were and how he told us if we didn't lie to Louis about what emerald had did and take his side he would make sure none of us ever sat down on out bums again and by the end Louis was livid. I almost thought he was going to physically punch Liam.

Louis turned to Liam with a look that could kill.  In a instant louis snapped his fingers and pointed to a empty corner in the room.

"You better get your ass in a corner in the next two seconds before I desire to take a cane to your rear. I don't know who you think you are Payne but you didn't have authority them two weeks and you don't have it now. As for the rest of you, you have a pass this one time but you don't ever listen to anyone unless we've all decided equally that they were in charge Emerald is the only one that you should be worrieing about and you each have a say in what she says or does and by that I mean you are entitled to an opinion  and as far as authority goes I'm not in charge but I would wish that if anything were to bother you about another member you can come to me for sure or someone else, you have your mums and Simon even Paul to take care of the situation, the point of this speech is there many others to help with a problem if you can't take care of it yourself, don't be a bystander and let the situation get worst, cause that will only cause more chaos and trouble for you and the others involved understand me?" We all nodes our heads showing louis we understood then he sent us out.

Louis' P.O.V.

After the others left I turned to Liam who stood in the corner crying hard in the corner my heart actually broke but I had to sit and calm down the decide a reasonable punish for this boy.  I'm no better then the rest of the boys. So I'm not going to make my self out as an authority figure we all should be since we are all taking care of a 12 year old there shouldn't be any arguing over who's incharge, we should all equally be able to punish and be punished if we are in the wrong because not only are we role models to our fans but to a child that we are taking care of .

"Liam come over here and sit next to me please. I want to talk to you calmly."

Liam slowly came over and sat down on the bed he winced a bit considering I just spanked him not even a half hour ago I understand a little but I don't fell guilty at all, with me having to do it again. None of the boys deserved what Liam had done. I wouldn't blame the others for not trusting Liam as much as they use too. Liam sat a bit of ways from me so I scooted slightly closer to the boy. Not to close though. I know he is scared.

"Liam I'm not gonna spank you out of anger I'm doing this so we can both calm down by talking about the situation and how you could have acted differently then we can deside on a punishment suitable for you okay?" Liam nodes at me and I take that as for to get started.

"Liam was there a reason why you did any of this?"

All I got was a shrug of the shoulders.

"Alright so if your arebt doing to actually talk to me which was the whole point of this we can just get it over with and I can give you 50 bare with a nicely cut switch from the back yard or i can grab a cane and we can use that? Hm? Or would you rather talk to me first. I'm really loosing my patience with you Liam you've pick a bad time to test me."

"No I'm sorry  I'll talk, I don't know why I did what I did Louis I'm really sorry."

"Could you have acted differently? Actually I don't even think this question is nessicary cause we both know that you could have acted differently and this all could have been prevented. Right?"

Liam looks down at his hands, I heard a barley audible yes sir.

"Alright then lets talk about punishment since I did punish you pretty harshly earlier and I can  you've learnt your lesson. I'll let you off easy we do 40 over your boxers and  you are done.

"Lou ..."

"I'm not finish I'm not the only one whose gonna spanking you, you did wrong to the other boys as well so each other is gonna spank your sorry bum and actually i'll let them pic if its gonna he bare, boxers or pants.



"Louis please.... Don't ..."

"I don't want to hear it go stand in the corner again." the other boys came in the room and looked at me.

"Yes Lou."

"Have a sit I want to talk to you and explain what's gonna happen now." after they all had a seat I quickly explain how things were gonna happen.

"This will all but with your hand nothing else but you are getting to pick if he gets protection and how much, before we get started where is Emmy?"

"She is in her room coloring. She is smart enough and old enough to know nothing goes on the walls. So she should be fine." Zayn says.

"I also gave her my I pod so she could listen to music, her request." I slightly nod.

"Alright I'm going first then its harry, Zayn and then Niall. Liam come here." I said sitting on the bed the others got up and each stood by one of the many exits and doors with locks in my room. Liam turned around and looked at where the others were. I saw a frown etch on his face. His plan was probably foiled nice job boys.

Liam walked over to me I swiftly slipped him over my knee locking his legs with one of mine. I pull his pants and boxers down with one pull and began. I want gonna waste time with this.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack
Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

As hard as Could muster did I hit Liam's sore ass. He jerked a little on my lap but no tears or even a squirm. A slight in his rear right now didn't make a different to the pain he will have if he ever does this again or any of the others including me. I mentally shutter. I will never do what Liam has done nope is rather keep my ass.

"Harry." I got Liam to stand up harry traded places with me he pulled Liam over his lap and slung a leg over Liam's legs. Liam grips on to Harry's pants leg and then Harry pulled up Liam's boxers.

"I like my modesty just as much as the next person so I'm going to be nice and give you a little protection."

"Thank you haz."

Harry says your welcome before warning Liam then bringing has hand down harder then I had.

"Ahhh I thought you were gonna be nice."

"I did, you getting protection was me being nice." Liam hides his face in Harry's leg and groans.

After Harry's ten it  came Zayn and then Niall by the end Liam was bawling. When Niall finally let him up Liam stood and began to jump up and downtrying to rub away the pain.

I grab his arm and smack his rear a good 15 times.

"You know better then to rub li you had it coming now come here, you need a hug after a bum thrashing always." he feel in my arms and cried into my shoulder. I rub his back bringing him over to the bed. I layed him down and I layed next to him as he feel asleep.

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