Growing up. prt 1

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Emerald's P.O.V.

I just got a message from my friend asking if I could go walk to the park, with her and a few other friends, but there is no way I could go do that with five uncles who are a little too over protective. I barely got away with haveing a cell phone because Uncle Liam claimes that I'm 'too young' that's his excuse for everything I want to do that is fun anymore. I'm 12 years old for gods sake. Excuse me when i say he can be such a bitch sometimes.

I sent jasey (my friend) a text back saying I would ask but there was no way they would say yes. I got a short reply. Then one of the boys yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Em its time for lunch." Uncle Harry hollered.

"okay!" I skip two stairs down at a time till I made it to the bottom.
I enter the kitchen, sitting down next to Zayn. My plate was set infront of me. We were haveing taco's tonight. I love tacos. So I digged in soon after. Liam sat across from me, rolling his eyes at my lack of 'manners'. As he claimes.

"Emerald, please could you use your manners for once in your life." I lied my taco back on the plate. Well actually I dropped it. Why does he do this every time? And only to me?!

"I live with five guys, and you're asking me to mind my freaken manners, seriously...? " I asked, obviously my comment ticked him off.

Liam has constantly been on to me, and I'm not even his niece! He shouldn't get to tell me what to do.

"I don't like your tone Emerald, quit it now!" he says.

"And I don't like how you only yell at me for not useing my manners! What manners am i NOT using?"

"The manners of which you respecting your damn elders, now stop with the attitude."

"I wouldn't have an attitude or be disrespecting you, if you didn't start it, , you yelled at me first so if you didn't want disrespected you shouldn't have been such a..."

"Emerald Stop it now, you need to stop with disrespecting him, Liam is also your guardian and he has a right to be respected. You need to grow up. " Harry says.

"Ughh I didn't do anything why are you blameing me!"

"Wait a minute I didnt see Emerald do anything wrong so why don't you all just calm down and... " Louis tries.

"Because you're being a brat,
Emerald you need to stop with the disrespect. How do you ever expect to get anywhere with that attitude!"

I felt like I was going to cry, Liam has finally cross the line. Okay I might be over racting but he just called me a brat and that really hurts especially when he is making it pretty clear on how he sees me.

"That is enough both of you sit down an shut up, this arguement is over, no more. " Louis yells angrily. I huffed in my seat but continued eating getting a glare from Liam for god knows what.

I really wanted to be a bitch and call him out. But I really didn't want to push myself with Louis. For once I was going to be the bigger person and behave.

Liam finally gets up from the table, putting his plate in the dishwasher and going into the living room.

I finally finished my taco, and did the same with with my plate and headed the same direction as Liam but I was heading toward the actual stairs.

"Em don't go in there and run your mouth anymore I know how you are."

"I won't I'm just heading up stairs Uncle Louis, I promise I won't say anything to him..."

"Okay, good. "

I start to walk up stairs but turned back around to the kitchen again I felt Liams eyes on me. Ughh can he leave me alone!

"Hey uncle Louis, umm Jasey asked me if I could come with her and a couple friends to the park can I go?"

"I dont know if I want you walking.... "


"Emerald, baby your 12, and its very dangerous what if I take you and your friends there Yeah? and call me when you want to come home?"

"Fine ill go ask her if thats okay."

Turns out Jasey was okay with it. So I went back to my room to get ready. When I finished I went downstairs to hear argueing. One voice sounded like Uncle Liam. this should be good then, he's not yelling at me, but if he yells at one of the boys he sure to get something.

"After what she pulled at the dinner table you are seriously letting her hang out with her friends!"

"Yes I am Liam back off. "

"She is disrespectful you shouldn't reward her!"

"Liam she wasn't even doing a thing till you yelled at her. "

"She yelled at me!"

"Yeah because you were looking to brew up an argeument. Look Liam, you don't have much room to complain about Em, because you did things that we punish her for! You can't go and yell at someone and do stuff that you did and expected her not to do it back."

"Yeah but... "

"Maybe you should just drop it, now, Emerald wouldn't have disrepected you if you didn't open your trap, I dont know whats your bum, but you really need to pull it out before I smack it even further in. You got it Payne!"

Liam mumbled a inaudible 'Yes Sir' then Louis walked out of the kitchen. He sees me and smiles.

"Ready Baby girl. " I nodded silently thanking him for sticking up for him. He didn't notice. Leading me out the door. Then we got into the car. It wasn't until we got on the road to Jasey's that I spoke.

"Uncle Louis? "

"Emerald? " he smirked

"Umm I just want to thank you for sticking up for me, you know for earlier with Liam.... "

Besides tonight me and uncle Liam haven't been getting long at all, I have had enough so I just dropped it for once.

"You are welcome, thank you for being the bigger person and not causeing bigger chaos. "

"I'm just sick of it its been going on for 3 weeks now, and i've always gotten in trouble got it... And... "

"Wait a minute, back up.... for 3 WEEKS! This has been going on ever since I left for my vacation back home? "

Oh Yeah, I forgot... Uncle Louis left three weeks ago cause he missed his family and he just now made it back last week. Liam Stopped shortly after. Then a couple days later it started up again.

"Yeah..." I said cautiously. I thought one of the boys would have told him.

"When you get back to the house we are all haveing a long chat all of us. I want to know why this is going on. "

"Uncle Louis... "

"Emerald, we are talking about this later, end of discussion. "

"Yes Sir. " we picked up my friends then haeaded to the park. "

"Emerald, I'll be back in 3 hours unless you want to come home earlier, just call me okay, do you got your phone? "

"Yes sir." I smile.

"Good see you later babe. "


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