Thankgiving Special Part 2

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Meanwhile with Harry and his mother

"So Harold what did you do thats so bad that Louis insisted you're punish for?"

Harry mumbles under his breath something to where Anne couldn't hear him. She Looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Repeat that to where i can hear you Harold? Please"

"I said i kicked Niall and Slapped Zayn then curesed out Louis! Okay!" Anne  was taken back by Harry's Attitude toward her. She Quickly recovers from her shock and gives a stern look to Harry moving a step toward him taking his arm in her hold.

"Harold i Am surprised by your attitude and your actions, I don't want you EVER speaking like that to me or your band mates, Especially around your Niece. Now i believe your actions are in due of a spanking, don't you think?" Anne says sitting down on the couch bringing her son to stand in between her knees. Anne begins to unbutton Harry's trousers bringing them down to pool at his ankles, then guiding Harry over her lap.

"Be a good boy during this spanking and i won't have to bring these down." she says pulling on the elastic part of his boxers and letting them snap down making Harry jump.

"Mommmm." Harry whines.

"Shush Harold!" Annes snapes smacking her hand down on his boxer clad bum.

"No, This is embarrassing.. im 20 years old , m' to old for this."

"Harry i know you had a far share of spankings by your bandmates and have never pulled that load of bull with them. so there is no use in trying to pull the "im to old for a spanking" gimmic on me cause you're never to old to be pulled over your mothers knee i assure you that."

Anne brings Smack after smack down on harrys acheing rear, Yet harry was to stubborn and wanted to show that this didnt fade him and he swore he wouldn't let his mother get to him. He was NOT going down that easy.

"You SMACK will SMACK not SMACK hit or kick people SMACK SMACK SMACK or SMACK use SMACK any SMACK kind of violence on anyone ever again, do you understand me Harold! SMACK."

harry stayed silence letting small tears exscape his eyes.

"Harold Edward i am speaking to you!" Anne growls landing a particually hard smack to Harry's butt. yet she still got no response.

"Harold Edward, Do i need to get a switch!" Anne yells making sure the whole house hears.

"No, I'm Sorry, I understand, Just please don't the switch mommy!" Harry pleads, Anne smiles Knowing now she has broke her  sons stubborn Brick wall he put up at the beginning.

"Start answering my questions and this spanking will go alot quicker!" Anne says Still a little mad that her son acted like he did, but calmer now she knows she is getting somewhere.

Anne continued to land hard smacks to harrys bum picking up the paced.

"You are not to hit or curse in my house or anyones house or ever in your life you got that." Anne says smacking his bum to empathsize each word.

"Y--y-y-e-s-s yes i got it, please stop!" Harry finally sobbes out Anne pauses looking down at Harrys bum noticing it was a blood red and showed sign of bruising.

"15 more smacks baby boy and your done." Anne says calmly, wishing she could just pull him up now and shower her baby in kisses and cuddles but knew she shouldn't cause he wouldn't learn then. Harry sobbes louder at her statement.

"okay here we go baby prepare your self okay calm down." Anna says trying to calm Harry down a little.

he finally reduces his sobbes to just crying and gripping tightly on to Anne's leg.

"Okay here we go okay ready?"

harry nods. so Anne takes that as she can continue, she takes a deep breath and brings her hand up, swinging down his bum making a......




Anne signs in relieve, quickly bringing Harry up on to her lap and hugging him tightly causeing him to quickly calm down.

"Shh baby calm down your down your forgiven."


"Well maybe you should't have been so stubborn and then it would have been over alot sooner." Anne says, trying to lighten the mood.

"Now what do you say, Im hungery lets go cook our thanksgiving dinner."

Harry chuckles but hops up off her lap kicking off his boxers and goes in to cook dinner with his mother. After about 15 mins  Robin walks in the front door. Walking into the kitchen, seeing Anne and Harry cooking dinner.

"Hey Babe!" Robin greets Anne walking over giving her a kiss on the lips.

Robin begins to greet Harry until he notice he was in just his boxers and his face was red with dry tears still lingering on his face.

"Um Anne? Harry? what happen before i got here?"

"What makes you think something happen before you walked in Hun?"

"Harry is in his boxers...."

"well thats not a shock to you he is always in his boxers...." Anne reassures Robin.

"He also Red faced and looks like he has been crying." Harry began to get scared Robin was stricted VERY stricted when it came to fighting and if he finds out what harry did to Zayn and Niall he will strip in waste down and beat his rear end with a belt. Spanking him til he wouldn't be able to scream anymore.

"Robin, its all been taking care of, Harry just got a little mad and slapped Zayn, Kicked Niall and cursed at Louis but i took care of it. He does not need another spanking i assure you that."

Robin noded walked over to a chair turning out faceing the opposite from the table and sits down it.

"Come over here Harry please." robin says sitting down in the chair.

"Robin Moms already punished me please don't spank me again." Harry begges

"Hush boy im just wanting to check the damage that your mother did to your bum, and if you need another spanking then it would be up to your band mates NOT me." Harry nodes and voluntarierly lies over Robins lap. Shivering as the cold hits his bum.

"Dang Anne you got him good!" Robin commented bringing Harry's boxers back up and helping him off his own lap.

"Well Harold decided he was gonna being stubborn."

"Oh really now." Harry blushes looking at the floor.

"Foods done!" Anne saids sitting the food down on the dinner table. Then every body begins to come sit down at the table.


"So who wants to start out the Thanks?" Anne Says

"I will." Niall Chimes up. everybody laughs at his excitment.

"Okay go ahead babe."

"I am thankful the food, Emmy and alll you guys." Niall cheers

"i am thankful for my family and my friends and our new wonderful niece," Louis leans down kissing the top of Emeralds head

"Awee Harry what are you thankful for?" Anne Smiles.

"Well not for the spanking thats for sure," he chuckles mmaking everyone laugh.

"On a more serious note, I am Thankful for having such a wonderful family who cares for me and also friends and a wonderful niece to care for ..."

Everybody awed then louis got up and walked over to harry.

"Lou what are you doing ?"

LOuis just smiled walking over to him then bent down and hugged him.

"AWEE HARRY WE LOVE YOU TO." louis yells planting kisses all over his face. everybody else joins .

After dinner they all go into the living room cuddleing on the couch and chairs watching thanksgiving movies on the telly.

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