Back home blues

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We all had a grand time at Disney Land but the time had ended to soon and we just got off the plane and are heading to the car. After we are all in, we head home.

"Boys as soon as we get home you are to go find a switch, and remember what I said.." Louis and Niall hung there heads.

"Yes, sir." They said sadly. I have both of them a sympathic smile. Boy were they so in for it.

A hour past and we were finally home. niall and Louis exited the car quickly heading out to the back yard where the forest was.

I went inside sitting on the couch watching. As the boys came back in with the items that they would be punished with.

"Harry, either up to your room or you can watch/help." Liam had went up stairs to put a sleeping Emerald down for a nap.

"I think I am gonna stay down here."

"Suit yourself." Zayn says then turns to Louis and Niall.

"Both of you bend over, hands on the wall. Now!" He says sternly. Louis and Niall complied to frightened, to disobey the orders afriad for more. Though I won't let Zayn go hard on them. He would have to beat me first before they took any more then I seen fit.

I watched as Zayn pulled both pants and briefs down. In one motion. Now both boys were bared, bums sticking out and hands on the wall. Clothes pooled at there ankles.

"Zayn? H-how many?" Niall stuttereds.

"As many as I want now shut up!" Zayn says. Slapping down the switch a little to hard. I flinched as the sound of the switch smacking the skin.

Niall let out a ear piercing scream as the smacks were being rained down repeatedly. ZAYN made a pattern the smacks. It went like this.

Niall's sit spots

Louis' sit spots

Nialls Thighs.

Louis' thighs.

And so on this continued for a while then Niall covered his bum with his hands.

"Move you hands Niall or I'll smack them to..."

"N-n-no-o Zayn Please I'm sorry no more!"

"Harry come over here and move his hands." Zayn said harshly.

"ZAYN dont you think they had enough.." I said gently.

"Now Harry or you can freaken join them!" I jumped up quickly and croax Niall hands away.

"Common babe, you got just a little more and your down okay I promise." I whisper.

"Hazza please make it stop! I'm sorry so sorry."

"Shh shh babe, just give me your hands OKay." I gently pryed his hands away only to gasp at the condition of there bums. They were awfully red and were showing early signs of bruising I sighed. Not wanting to keep Zayn waiting Louis was silently crying and his bum was in the condition...

Both boys look like the were having trouble breathing from all the crying.

I can't let this go on any longer.

"Zayn they've had enough, leave them be." I said stepping in front of them.

"No Harry, they haven't not till I say.. Now do as I say and move."

"No Zayn I said they had enough, if you want to spank someone spank me dont you see they can barely breath right now because of there crying and the pain!" I said.

"Move Harold!" Zayn said getting aggravated with me.

"No Zayn!" I said.

"Fine you wanna finish there punishment fine by me! Boys go stand in a corner now and dont move." The two frightened and sobbing boys ran, well more like limped to a corner and continued their sobbing.

"Harold drop both pants and briefs and hands on the wall. Now go!" I did as told placeing my hands on the wall my bare bum sticking out. The minute my hands were positioned. ZAYN bought down the switch.

"Next time smack Harold SMACK let SMACK others take there punishment instead of SMACK SMACK SMACK protesting and throwing a tantrum! SMACK."

"Ahhh I'm sorry please Zayn!"

"What the hell is going on! Zayn why are you spanking Harry!" Zayn drops the switch and his hold on me. That I never knew he had. I sob into the wall, my ass was burning like hell.

ZAYN started explaining what was going on, Liam got mad the more Zayn spoke. Everything Zayn was saying he made sure was the truth because if zayns story didn't match mine Niall and Louis' in which we would have the same story. Liam would sure be beating his bum.

"Zayn, do understand you went to far on all of them not to mention that you abuse Lou and Nialler." Liams said his blood boiled.

"I'm sorry!" Zayn says after realization hit him hard, Zayn began to bawl, and sob.

"You are in some serious trouble, young man."

ZAYN just continued to sob into his hands.


Hello my readers, okay first things first, I hope u enjoyed this chapter I'm trying my best to update as much as I can but the updates are still gonna be kinda slow, I got a special person coming in August And I get to see the boys in concert as well and I'm super siked! But with my guest coming I probably wont update for the two weeks she will be here cause I want every second to count before she goes back. :( I hope u all understands.... But I'll try updating as much as possible to make up for it promise. Anyways.... Vote, comment, maybe even give me a follow I aways follow people back.

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