Have you learned your lesson yet?

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This idea was from @niallslilhomie again that ya for the prompt babe :) well here you go :) and please keep commenting and voteing Thank you :)

Zayn's P.O.V.

So all the boys were out today so I figured today me and Emmy could have a 'Emmy and uncle Zayn' time so I took her out to the mall.

"Uncle Zaynie...." uh oh I knew that voice. I turn around to face the 12 year old (A/N: bumped up her age a little bit hope you guys don't mind) who was holding up a new 'gears of war' game. Which looks extreamly violent if I may add!

"Emmy if you are about to ask if you can have that the answer is no its to violent for a 12 year old." I calmly explained

"so please put it back."

"Fine!" She walks back to where she got the game as I continue to look for a certain book Liam insisted I get. About two mins later Emmy came back and I finally found the book we got the rest of our grocery's and other things we needed and then left to go home.


As we were on our way home I saw Emmy pouting  looking out the window.

"Hey babe why don't we get a movie or something from the red box since you didn't throw a tantrum and was very grown up about not getting that game.. yea?"


Emerald's P.O.V.

After uncle Zayn told me to put the game away I decided I wasn't going to argue... and walked over to where I got it .. but when uncle Zayn wasn't looking I quickly took the bar code sticker off and stuck the game in my purse.

After so long we finally arrived at home done with the shopping. I helped Uncle Zayn bring in the grocerys then he told me to go play up in my room and he would holler for me when lunch was ready. So I took this as my chance to play my new game. I took the case out of my purse and put it in my xbox and began playing it.

****Meanwhile downstairs******

Niall's P.O.V

We all just walked in the door to Zayn cooking lunch, and good cause I was starving.

"Hey Zayn." There was strange noises sounded like a video game, is that coming from Emmy's room?

"Good lord that girl needs to turn down the volume on her tv.!"

"Your right Li can you watch lunch while I go tell her to turn it down." Zayn says.

"Ya sure."

"Why don't me and Lou go up I'm sure she would also like some company since were home."

"Ya maybe she hasn't been down here since I told her to go play like 30 mins ago she is probably mad?"

"Why..." I was about to ask but was interrupted

"Never mind why ask later just go tell her to turn her basted TV down please."

"Okay okay come on Louis." We both walk up stairs the noise getting louder the closer we approach her room.

Knock knock

Louis knocks on the door but no answer.

I gently push him out of my way and we enter her room. I see her TV and look at her bed to see the remote laying on it Louis picks it up muteing the tv

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