Growing Up Prt 2

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Louis' P.O.V.

I am so pissed off at Liam and the other Boys for letting Liam get away with this. Though I can't blame them a whole lot Liam was scary when angered and they probably feared a spanking from him if they even thought about sticking up for Emerald, which is what they should have done!

I stormed into the house after dropping off Emerald. Walking into the living room. When I entered the living room Liam sat on the couch then I say a crying Zayn in the corner which is just down right sad.

"What did Zayn do?" I ask Liam.

Liam barely even glanced at me before his eyes were on the Telly again. So I walk over and turn the TV off manually earning a glare from Liam.

"I asked you a question Liam Payne, Answered it or me and you can have a Chat and Zayn can watch and maybe even help.." I said placing my hands on my hips waiting for a reply from him.

"Maybe why don't you ask Zayn instead of me Tomlinson." he says with a glare. but not at me it was toward Zayn.

"Zayn Babe look at me, what did you do and what did Liam do to you?" Zayn Sniffles and runs out of the corner into my arms. I give him a hug but in a split second Zayn is ripped from my arms and Loud smacks and screams were heard. Liam Spanked Zayn's bottom hard about 20 times before i ripped him back to me and I stood In front of Zayn. Now saying i was pissed was an understatement.

"What the Fuck was that Payne!" I yelled.

"I didn't say he could leave the damn corner!"

"I don't give a shit what you told him that was uncalled for on so many levels and if you know whats good for you, you would march you snippy ass to The Room and bare yourself and be in a corner when i walk in if your not you are gonna wish you had. Now go!" Still keeping up his hard ass attitude, Liam stomps to The Room where his ass is gonna feel some real 'Payne' For a long time. After i heard a door slam. I pull Zayn back in a hug calming him down. I get Zayn's Side of the story and could see nothing but red. Liam's red ass in front of me while i beat the attitude out of him. Okay that might be taking it to far back he sure will not be feeling his bottom after i'm done with him. First you need to calm down Louis don't need to go over board on the lad even though he completely deserves it right now.

"Harry, Babe please come down here!, Zaynie can you go cuddle with Harry while i go deal with mean ol' Li Li Zayn nodes his head and then Harry shows up.

"Yeah Lou?"

"Will you give Zaynie cuddles while i go deal with a naughty little boy?"

"Sure." Harry says as i slide Zayn on to his lap I get up and head up stairs to The Room.

I walk in to see Liam not even in there so head to his, not even bothering to knock. Liam was completely naked. Looks like someone was about to take a shower. All well maybe later?

i walk over to him, since he still hasn't notice me in his room. His ass was already bared so i swung my arm back and hurt my target perfectly on point. Liam jumps tries to turn around but i grab his arm landing more smacks to his rear end.

"What did I tell you Liam James payne hm?"

"Ow Louis stop!"

"Hmmm how about no. How about I spank your bum all the way in to the The Room, you know the one Liam, its the room i told you to go to in the first place? him i say that's a good idea... don't you think? Start walking if i was you or ill just get a brush.. and don't you dare think about walking faster just to get out of being spanked Payne."

Liam cries, as he starts walking toward The Room. and to those who don't know what the room is, its basically what other books would call office. just there isn't a desk and this room is full of nothing but spanking objects, benches, implements to spank with There is a 'Spanking machine' as its called. but its not something I am gonna be using. Right now anyways.

I continue spanking Liam's bum all the way down the hall we make it right in front of the door i land a really hard hit and he yelps i open the door with my key and smack Liam's bum to have him enter.

Once we are both in i turn around shutting the door and locking it and stuffing the key in my pocket.

"Liam its your lucky day, your the first one that's been in here since it was created specifcally by Harry and I and trust me your visit here sure will be your last am i correct?"

"Yes sir.."

"Good Now bend over the bench. third one down."

The bench I am having bend over is a saw horse kinda but its made cushion around the stomach and makes sure the bum is in the for good measure and aim. There is restraints and I'm almost 100% sure i will have to use them on Liam.

liam bends over and i strap his legs in but leave his hands free.

"Liam, im leaving you hands free but you better not reach back to block me you understand?"

"yes Louis."

"Now, I'm going to give you 22 Licks with the belt and trust me they will be hard."

"Louis Please don't do this I'm really sorry ill apologize to Zayn and Emerald just please don't spank me with a belt anything but a belt."

"Sorry Liam its either a belt or you can go outside plum naked and grab a switch its your choice." Liam cried at that. But said he would take the belt instead. So I began his crying already making me gulity.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

"Ow!! Louis I'm Sorry please i'm sorry it hurts."

"Shhh you're all done Li, come here." I undo his restraint and pull him into a hug.

"You're okay for now bud calm your breathing." i sooth.

once he calmed down I will have to tell him that this punishment was only for the Zayn thing Not what was going on with him and Emerald.

Five minutes later i sighed.

"Liam, i want to just warn you something now."

"Whats that Lou Lou?"

"This punishment was only for the Zayn thing, we still have to resolve the drama with you and Emerald."


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