Teasing Louis part 2

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Harry's P.O.V.

I was furious at Niall for making fun of Louis like that . After seeing that Louis was asleep. I walk down stairs ready to beat the blonde boys bum. Only to find Liam had beat me to it. I walked in the kitchen, over to our utensil draw and grab out a wooden spoon.

I walk back into the living over to Liam, holding out the spoon. He looks at me then the spoon and back at me confused.

"He made fun of Louis for getting a spanking so I think he deserves a bare spanking with the spoon maybe he will learn to behave." Liam smirked grabbing the wooden spoon from my hand smacking it down on Niall's bum causing him to cry out from surprise.

"You're. going. To. Apologize. To Louis . And Emmy when were done. Here. Got it!" Liam said delivering a smack with each word.

"Yes si-ir." The Irish lad cried I head out side to find Zayn playing with Emmy.

"Harreh!" Emmy shouted sliding down the slide and running over to me.

" Hey baby girl, are you having fun with uncle Zayn. Do we need give him a few smacks to the bottom to ? Everybody else has a sore bum might as make everyone join the party."

Harry and Zayn both chuckled Zayn mostly in a nervous kind of way.

"No need for that uncle harreh.. uncle Zayn is my favorite he no need a spanking." The little girl gave a big grin.

"I'm hurt I thought I was your favorite." He said acting hurt.

"You are uncle Harry uncle Zayn is my favorite play mate, only he won't play house with me. " the little girl frowns.

"Its okay babe maybe Louis or Liam will."

"Or we can make Niall play with her as a punishment."

"Why would we do that?"

"Considering house envolves getting a few smacks here and there if I'm right she is gonna be the mommy and he would be the baby it would hurt .... a lot ... for him anyways."

"That's not a bad idea Zayn."

"Come on princess." I hold out my hand and she grabs it walking in the house and to the living room seeing a sniffling Niall in the corner and a dark red bum.

"Niall go apologize to Emmy then go and do the same to louis." Liam announced.

Niall started walking out of the corner with his pants still at his ankles.

"Mate pull up your pants we hace a child in here .." Zayn chuckled covering up emmy's eyes.

Niall blushes and pulls up his boxers and then says he is sorry to Emmy then left to to do the same with Louis about a half hour later Louis came down with a sleeping Niall... They all awed at the sight then louis gave Niall over to liam who took him up to his own bed to sleep being very careful lying him down.

"We will have to break the news to Niall tomorrow I guess" Liam says to himself exiting the bedroom closing the door behind him.

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