Thankgiving special!

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Hey guys thought you might like a special thanksgiving chapter since tomorrow is thanksgiving.. So here you go...

Emerald's P.O.V.

"Emmy get up sweetheart."

I start to move around but quickly stop when i feel pain shoot though my tummy and all over.. I moan but get up anyways trying to hide my pain from my uncles. I really wanted to see grandma anne today and if I am sick they will cancel on going over and ill ruin everybodys thanksgiving.. I dont wanna dissappoint anyone.

Uncle Louis walks in my room and i try to stand as straight as i can.

"Do want help?"

I look down at my clothes on my bed uncle harry layed out a sweater with a little turkey on it an a orange skirt with my white tights and black UGG boots.

"Yes please." I thought it would be easier for him to help then try my self and collapseing with so much pain im in.

Uncle louis walks over to me and helps me out of my pjs and may i ad that they were soaked with sweat.

"Emmy why are your pjs soaked... Is it that hot in here at nig... Are you feeling okay babe you look flushed." He began to place the back of his hand to my forehead but i backed away and told him i was fine.

"Emerald...." He warned

"Im fine uncle Louis i promise.."

He signed.

"Alright but can i please feel your forehead?"

He reached his hand out again but just my luck uncle Niall walked to my door.

"Can ya hurry up getting her dressed we gotta go... Harry is getting impatience down there ... Not trying to be hateful. But Zayn is beginning to get on his nerves gotta feeling he might blow a top soon and then we will never get there...."

"Alright Ni will be there soon just run along im getting her dressed."

Niall noded and headed back down stairs.

"Ill be bring a thermometer with me. I know you arent feeling good by the way you got out of bed."

Crap now i am in trouble.

after getting me dress in my outfit we got down stairs and found a teary eyed Zayn and a p'ed uncle Harry, i saw uncle zayn rub his bum a little. I started to run over and hug him but before i could wrap my tiny arms around him i was lifted into the air..

"HEY!" I squealed

Then the person that picked me up swatted my bum. Making me jump.

"Thats enough emmy jasmine." Uncle Liam scolds. Then he seats me down and buckles me in the car. Then we were off to grandma annes. Anne's house.......

Uncle Harry is really irritated right now and i dont know why i tried asking uncle Louis but he wont tell me he says its just "grown up problems" and i dont need to worrie about it. Well my tummy is still in pain and now my throat and head hurts to. Im laying on grandma Anne's couch almost asleep when....

"Emerald sweetie do you wanna help grandma make cookies?"

She walks in with her great big smile that could make anyones day turn around but not mine i was to icky to even think about food...

"No grammy i.." But before i could finish Louis walked in.

"You what baby?"

She asked with concern.

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