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It has been about two months since what I saw that night. I still think about it. And I still have dreams about it as well.

The strangest part is that these dreams are not scary. Mostly, it is that young woman's eyes that haunt me. I dream of our eyes meeting and I get stuck looking into them. Grey eyes. Yes her eyes were grey. I could never forget them.

Today we are supposed to meet with a company that does construction for for an audit of their finances. We usually go to the cite, check the work, talk to the workers about the dynamics of their work, meet the engineer and lastly check their books.

I usually do this with Mr Peterson or Mark, an awkward lad who is an auditor.

I am waiting for Mr Peterson in the reception area when I see him coming towards me with Samantha.

"Hello Miss June," he greets

"Good morning sir, hello Samantha," I greet them.

Samantha looks giddy and excited as a child on her way to the candy shop. I am immediately worried.

"So today Mark and I have to go out of town for a meeting, which means none of us can go with you. Fortunately Samantha has volunteered to go with you." He explains

I am shocked. I have never gone with Samantha when going to cites before.

I mask my shock and respond with a "Of course sir, I understand. No problem".

"Good, then, have a good day" he says and takes off

"Hello Zuh," Samantha purrs into my ear when it's just us two. I wish I could wipe that grin of her face.

I roll my eyes and walk away while she follows behind me to the company car.

I get in the driver's seat and she gets in the passenger's.

I pull out of the parking and drive out to the cite.

"Aww, I wanted to drive," she whines

"I'm too young to die," I deadpan

"What I am offended, I will have you know I got my licence at 15 years and have been driving ever since," she says

Oh no it's gonna be a long day. I glance her way and realize her seatbelt is not on, I frown.

"Put on your seatbelt please Samantha," I tell her

"Yes ma'am," she responds and I feel my stomach tightening

I shift uncomfortably and she notices, because she's always looking at me. Because nothing gets pasts her...

She is looking at me with amusement and something changes in her eyes, like she has had a Eureka moment.

I glance her way and I see the hint of mischief in her eyes... Oh boy...

"Is there anything else you would like me to do ma'am," she says sultry purring the "ma'am" looking at me and batting her eyelashes

My breath catches and I get flustered. I don't know I'm having this effect towards her calling me ma'am.

"Samantha please stop it," I tell her

"Yes ma'am," she responds in a clearly intentional tone

I roll my eyes. Oh gad. This girl...

She laughs and I can't help but smile... So cheeky.

The rest of the 30 minutes drive to the cite she is talking about her cat and about the colour of her nails... Surprisingly I'm enjoying her rambling. And occasionally nod and involuntarily laugh.

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