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I wake up before her and her hair is all over her pillow. Her mouth slightly open. One arm draped over my belly and she looks as beautiful as ever.

I want to take a picture of her, but I'm afraid I will wake her up with my movements.

I am just staring at her like a creep.

Looking at her, I see myself. It's as if I have finally found the missing part of me. It's as if I have finally found my purpose in this life.

Right now, in this moment, nobody else matters but her.

Half an hour later, she finally stirs and her eyes flutter open. She finds that my eyes are already on hers and she smiles and then blushes.

I kiss her forehead, she closes her eyes.


"Morning" she replies in a sleepy voice.

She shifts towards me and lays her head on my chest. My heart goes flips.

"I'm sorry about yesterday" she whispers

"About what baby" I ask confused

"The thing I did on the sofa, before we went to sleep..." She says...

I am still confused.

"For the way your skin tingled?" I ask

"No, for sucking your breasts," she says in a small voice.

I caress her hair.

"It's okay baby, I don't mind. I didn't mind. Infact I really liked it." I confess

"Me too, I don't know why I did it. But I really liked it. It felt so wonderful. I felt so close to you... I always feel safer with you, but being like that I felt even safer... I think that is why my skin gave out those tingles..." She explains

I kiss her forehead and she moves her face further into the crook of my neck. I sigh with content...

"Zhoya..." I begin

"Please don't ever apologize for being yourself with me. I like you just a you are. I realize that you are not like other people. But that draws me even more to you. I love it when you are in my arms. Yesterday when you did that I also felt the connection between us deepen. I felt content and I felt so protective over you. I know that this may seem intense, but it felt like you were my own small baby nursing from me. It made me emotional and very grateful to bond with you in that way. If you don't mind. I would like for us to do it again, whenever you feel like it..." I tell her

She is quiet.

"And I also don't mind that you prefer watching cartoons..." I feel her tense up

"It makes you even more cute in my opinion. I love the way you blush when I call you baby, how your face flushes with delight when you are happy... And to be honest these feelings scare me as well. I feel so much for you and I'm scared to tell you because I don't wanna chase you away... But I have never felt this before... It feels like you were specifically designed just for me. I have this need to take care of you in a way that I can't explain... " I think I can feel her crying...

I stroke her hair and feel myself tearing up as well...

A few moments later... She lifts up from my chest and sits besides me. I remain lying on my back.

"Thank you... Nobody has ever accepted me like that. And I feel strongly for you as well, and I am not good with words, but with you, I have found someone who understands me without words. I love when you take of me as well. It makes me feel all warm inside, especially when you hold me in your arms... I wanna stay like that forever..." She chuckles

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