Twenty three

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It's a Monday and at around 9 and I call Samantha's office

"Hey, it's me" I tell her after she picks up

"Hi" she responds

"Hi" I say back

"Can we meet for lunch at the Italian place 5 minutes away from our workplace?" I ask her

"Sure," she answers

"See you then," I say

"See you" she responds

We meet at the Italian place during lunch and we find a cozy secluded spot. The waitress takes our order and goes away.

"How are you?" I ask her

"I'm fine, how are you?" She responds

"I'm fine too..." I tell her.

I can tell she is nervous. It's amusing seeing her like this because most of the time she is witty, playful and confident.

I begin;

"So I thought about what you said. I talked to Zhoya as well. She was very graceful and understanding about it. She said that she is willing to give me a chance to be with you as well..."

A beautiful smile breaks on Samantha's face and I can't help but smile back.

"So my answer is yes, I am willing to take chances and be with you as well. I want you to be my girlfriend as well Samantha Williams," I tell her

She smiles even wider and stands up. I stand up too and we hug. She feels so good against me. And i take in her fresh lemon scent.

We hear someone clearing their throat next to us and it's the waitress with our food. She mutters a sorry. And we seperate and sit down.

"Thank you so much Zuh. These are the best news I have ever received.. I am so happy... Really thank you...  I want to be your other girlfriend as well and I want you to be mine as well... And I am so thankful to Zhoya, please thank her for me..." She says looking into my eyes.

I am moved by her sincere words... I can't believe all along I didn't see how pure she was with he intentions towards me...

I am seeing her in a different light.

We dig into our food and I feel her eyes on me...

"What?" I say playfully rolling my eyes... This feels like dejavu

She laughs

"I told you, I love watching you eat..." She says

I shake my head smiling.

The waitress comes with the bill and I pay for the both of us...

"Why didn't you let me pay?" She whines...

"You will pay next time... Consider this our first date..." I tell her.

"Oh yeah?" She says cheekily smiling

"Yeah..." We are looking into each other smiling.

We still have about 20 minutes before lunch ends

"Samantha... Thank you for seeing me and I am sorry for being so blind all this time, but thank you for being patient with me."  I tell her

"You are welcome... You are worth it and thank you for taking this chance with me..." She says looking into my eyes

I don't know what it is about me that Samantha likes so much... But is is evident that she really likes me and I like her too.

We stand up to leave and we walk side by side, she takes my hand in hers and we walk back to work hand in hand.

Just before we enter the bank, she stops

"Before I forget, can I have your cellphone number... Girlfriend?" She says playfully saying the last part

I smile and give it to her, she gives me hers as well and I save it in my phone. 

We head over to the elevators and before the doors open we seperate our hands and walk to our offices.

Samantha passes by office when she's on her way to hers.

When we reach my office, I grab her hand and pull her inside.

I close the door and grab her face and take her lips between mine. I catch her off guard, but she quickly brabs my waist and we are kissing. Her lips taste soft and minty just like the first time.

I pull away and she's grinning like a cute idiot.

I open my office door and softly push her out, she's smiling.

"Enjoy the rest of the day girlfriend," I tease her

She grins

"You too girlfriend..." She responds and I wave bye and she walks to her office.

I go and sit in my chair, smiling.

I reach for my phone and she picks up on the second ring

"Hi baby"

"Hi" she responds

" We had the talk and I told her" I tell her

"How did it go" she asks

"Well... She was happy and said to tell you thank you so much..." I tell her

"Tell her she's welcome..." She says in her soft voice that I love so much...

"I will... Have you eaten your lunch?" I ask

"Yes and it was so delicious... Thank you..." She says

"You finished?"

"No, but I almost. I finished all my greens though" she states proudly

"Good girl."

And I know she's blushing

"Okay baby, enjoy the rest of the day. " I tell her

"Thank you, you too"

"I love you" I tell her

"I love you" she says back

"Bye baby"

"Bye mama" she says...  My heart warms up

I smile and end the call...

I take a long breath and think about the past few months... Nothing short of extraordinary...

Oh my my... How much my life has changed around...

I realize something... I have ten contacts on my cellphone now...

The ninth one being Zhoya's and the tenth one being Samantha's...

Sounds like a complete number to me...

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