Twenty Four

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It's a quiet evening. I am drinking white wine reflecting on everything that has taken place in these past five months ever since that night I met Zhoya.

It's strange. I didn't know I had the capacity to feel this much.  For the last 25 years of my life I have never really liked other people's company much, but I never want to lose her.

It's a very powerful emotion. To have someone have that much power over you. I am a realist. And because I am I have thought about all possible outcomes. The one is which somehow something happens and we break up has crossed my mind as well, and I know for the first time I would know what heartbreak is.

And there is Samantha. Samantha Williams. The dark skinned beauty with a body of a model. Brown kind eyes that always have a glint of mischief behind their them. The girl who walks in the room and has men with heart emojis eyes and the women's eyes full of envy. The woman who has been patient with me for over two years.

I can't deny how much attracted I am to her. And I would be lying if I ignored the chemistry between us. Sassy girl. Always has something smart to say but knows where to draw the line. My manager's niece... But I only see her as just Samantha. Especially since seeing her true intentions with me.

We have barely began and I already know I am going to fall for her.

It's a bit scary I won't lie. I have not had any romantic relationship for over four years and when I do I find myself into two people.

I am shaken out of my thoughts by the sound of my cellphone ringing.

"Baba" *meaning dad

"Sisi, how are you?"

"I'm okay dad, dad how are you?"

"I'm hanging in there, it's vegan week..." He says with a sigh

I burst out laughing

"I'm so glad I no longer have to experience those..." I say laughing

"You are on loudspeaker!" I hear my mother yelling in the background

"Hi mom," I say sweetly

"When you come this side, it's going to be a vegan weekend for you," she teases me.

So every month my mother will have us what we call "Vegan week". It's basically a week where we eat greens only. No meat. She says it's a form of detoxifying our bodies and keeping healthy.

I laugh and we begin talk about our week. Dad updates me about developments on the farm. New business that he has to supply. New equipment he has bought. We laugh and bond.

"Zuh your energy feels a bit different..." Dad says as we are saying our goodbyes to each other.


"Nothing you wanna tell us about?"

I hear my mother chuckle in the background

"No dad... I don't know..."

I know they know I'm not being entirely honest with them. They know me too well.

"Okay then if you say so, eat your greens..." I laugh and we say our goodbyes.

My parents are the closest to what I would call best friends. 

I want to tell them. But I think it's too soon. I know that eventually I will let them know.

It's around 7 pm. I stand up and dish up for myself. I cooked some stir fry with grilled potatoes and gravy.

While eating I call Zhoya. "Hi baby" I say when she picks up

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