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"Ouch mama!" She says for the umpteenth time.

"Sorry Zho. I told you to wash your hair so it would be easier for me to comb and braid it. Now I am fighting these knots... I'm almost done." I say combing her hair.

I am combing Zho's hair into a high ponytail and then I will braid the ponytail so that her hair doesn't get all over her face when she is playing her basketball match.

She is holding her teddy bear against her chest. "I need to wash Zina, will you put some of your perfume on her again, when she's dry?"

"Who is Zina?" I ask working my hand through her hair as I braid the ponytail.

She gasps and turn around.

"What?" I say turning her head to the front again.

She lifts the pink teddy bear, "This is Zina"

"Oh, I didn't know she had a name..."

"Of course she does" she says defensively.

I chuckle and finish the braid.

I take off my robe and put on my chocolate brown sweatpants and a caramel coloured slightly baggy Tshirt. I put on a caramel cap on top of my braids and my Nike sneakers.

"You look like a certified baddie," she says taking me in and grabbing my hips to kiss me.

"And you look fucking hot and delicious," I say smiling at her. She attempts to roll her eyes as she blushes, I laugh at her.

She's wearing a grey sweatshirt, green cargo pants and black combat boots.

We leave the apartment with her snapbag, her basketball uniform inside.

"Hi love... Yeah, sorry we are running a bit late, but we are almost there... Yeah Nancy's is fine... Okay mami... See you just now" I say ending the call.

Ten minutes later and we are parked outside Nancy's for breakfast. I take Zho's hand in mine and we walk in.

I search for Sam with my eyes, Zho tugs my arm and points to where she is sitting. She's by the window and we walk towards her. She smiles when she sees us approaching and stands up.

"Hi love," she says giving me a side hug.

"Hi mami" I say hugging her back.

"Hi Zhoya."

"Hello Samantha..." Zho waves awkwardly next to me.

We sit down on a round table, the waitress takes our order and we thank her.

Sam is smiling at us. Zhoya is looking outside the window, avoiding eye contact. I am folding the napkin on the table... My mind racing and blank all at once.

You and your girlfriends are all sitting together for the first time. What do i say. What do we talk about... Luckily Sam cuts the awkwardness before it has me folding and unfolding the napkin like a person auditioning for a laundry job.

"So you play basketball?"

Zhoya shifts her eyes back to the table, but still avoids eye contact. I take her hand under the table and squeeze it.

"Yeah... But not really. It's just once in every few months. The company has friendly games with other construction companies and whichever team wins has the winnings go to a charity organisation..." Zhoya explains stumbling over her words...

"Oh that's really nice..." Sam comments...

"It is..." I agree.

"I used to play netball back in highschool..." Sam says.

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