28: Face & Fingers

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Katsuki hung up the phone after an hour long conversation with a Police Dispatcher. His tail was bristled and he was sweating profusely. He'd have to shut the lounge down, apologize to the drunk patrons and offer coupons for free drinks so people won't be pissed. The more time wasted the harder it'll be to find Izuku and Kaminari. He executed his plan by lowering the music and he got Sero to stand next to the exit with coupons. The bottle girls rounded up the customers and Katsuki watched his shut down plan being executed. No one seemed to be throwing a fit over the early closure which was a huge relief to the wolf boy.

Once the last person left the SpeakEasy, Katsuki slammed the exit door and faced Sero and the other girls with sheer panic.
"What the fuck! What happened!?" Katsuki yelled and began pacing around. Sero flinched at the wolf boys' rage, then an idea popped into his head.

"Security cameras." Sero stated and Katsuki took off running into his office, whipping open the door. How did he not think of this before. There'd be an officer on their way over soon but Katsuki had to see this footage for himself. He hopped onto his computer chair and logged onto the security system and pulled up the different cameras' point of views. He rewinded the video and caught sight of himself on the lounge cameras' recording. The fox girl approached him and there in the background, he could see his cat boy running out of the office.

"Fuck." Katsuki sighed in shame. He realized that Izuku had caught sight of that interaction. In the video Izuku goes behind the bar to the staff room and Kaminari seems to follow him. Katsuki began watching the recording like a hawk. that's when Katsuki paused the video, his crimson eyes widened. There was a figure with their hood up entering the bathroom right after Izuku and Kaminari. He'd caught the door before it'd had closed and locked, you need the employee code to get in after all. He continued the recording. He watched himself go into the office, that was the moment he realized Izuku wasn't in there. He glanced back over to the staff room door surveillance, no one ever left after the three had entered. Katsuki connected the dots and left the office. He rushed to the staff room once again, ripping open the door. Sero was surprised it didn't fly off the hinges.
The wolf boy looked up the tiled shower wall to the window. The shower area window screen was torn off and it was opened as wide as it could be.

They'd been dragged out the window, the two boys were small enough to easily fit through it, Katsuki wouldn't even be able to fit due to his shoulder size. Meaning the man who knocked them out was slim as well, because he too would've left out through the window. One name came to mind, Dabi.
This was a two man job however, one guy inside and the other outside. On the other hand he couldn't smell any hybrid scent inside the showers, so it must've been a human man. A red trench coat suddenly came to mind. Pale blue hair.
Katsuki walked out of the staff room, he felt everyone's worried gaze on him.
"Sero?" The blond asked. "Will you stay here till the cops come? I have to go."

"Wait, where are you going?!" Sero called after the wolf boy who entered his office once again. Katsuki snatched Kaminari's mini van keys off the office desk and threw on his coat. He walked back out and slipped his cellphone in his pocket.

"I'm going to get help." Katsuki stated and headed towards the exit. "Text me when the police leave, and I'll text you if i find them."


The wolf boy called Kirishima on his drive back to the mansion and told him to get Mei and Mina dressed to go. The red head could tell by Katsuki's tone it was better not to ask questions in that moment. He simply agreed and rounded up the girls.

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