dave ☆ mustaine

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smut, fem!receiving and m!receiving
female reader (sorry dudes) <3
degrading?, name calling, kinky stuff.


"You like that don't you? You fucking whore." Dave murmured into ur ear huskily and lustly, whilst pounding into you deeply and roughly. He was going so fast that ur ass was starting to hurt. High, soft moans escaped ur mouth while he fucked you relentlessly. "D-Dave!" You cried out, ur mascara dripping down ur cheeks, your other makeup falling down your face as well. "What a slut!" Dave called out to you, laughing almost slightly.

He grabbed a handful of ur hair, pulling it back while he slammed into you. You moaned highly, your ass sticking up while you were on all floors. He then would let go of ur hair, smacking ur ass. Hard. You whined, whimpering slightly. "Cmon, tell me who makes you feel this good, hm?" Dave said in ur ear,

"You, Dave!" You moaned out, your voice shaky. "Good girl, now cum all over my cock, slut." Dave demanded in ur ear. He pulled out of you after you came on his cock, and he came on ur ass. You came before him, ur whole body shaking while your heat dripped with juices. Dave would have a smug look on his face, sighing deeply. He panted heavily, looking down at you.

You rolled over, Dave leaving to start a bath for you. You were sweaty, and so was he from having such rough sex. Once the bath was started, he picked you up and set you down in the bathtub. You sat up, while Dave grabbed the shampoo, smothering his hands in it while he now started putting shampoo in ur hair, scratching ur head. You smiled, while Dave looked at you sweetly.

He now would rinse out ur hair, and he placed a towel down, leaving you to wash urself. Once you were finished washing urself you came out in a towel and your hair dried. You grabbed ur underwear, and found a large t-shirt, which was in-fact, Dave's. You slipped the clothes on, Dave laying on the bed passed out in just no shirt and shorts. He changed whilst you were cleaning urself off before. You got into the bed, going over to sleeping Dave. You held onto to the male, after pulling the blankets up. You then fell asleep, your eyes fluttered shut.

rockstar smut and fluff imagines ☆Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora