gene simmons ☆ nsfw alphabet

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smut, nsfw!!
female parts, etc intended (sorry dudes) <3
just smut! kinky shit :)


A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)

I don't think he's much or too much of an romantic type, but he tries his best. He always is trying to get you things you'd like, and stuff like that. During aftercare, he'll kiss your forehead, and help clean you up. Bring you to bed(if you didn't do it on the bed), sleep with you, and in the morning he'll stay with you.

B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

I think Gene likes the way he towers over you in the boots and just the way he is. When he looks down at you, and you have to look up at him. How you sometimes have to get a step-stool like thing to get there and kiss him. He still has to bend over a little. Or he'll say he likes ur lips, because of the way they taste and how you kiss him. He likes his hands though, because he is able to play guitar and trail his hands up and down ur body.

C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)

Gene likes to let his load out upon anywhere on you, but not all the time. He'll cum on ur ass or stomach, but if that isn't what u want, it'll be in ur mouth. He'll force you to swallow it.

D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

Personally, Gene has nothing to keep from you. He is an open book, and is totally willing to talk to you about anything. He loves you, and doesn't want you to think he's hiding anything, but he'll like to share you with Paul.. I KNOW, but he isn't gonna keep it from you..

E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)

Guys. Rockstar, Groupie? Make sense? Of course he has experience on him, he's very experienced, and he obviously knows what he's doing. He has pounded many groupies beforehand, it probably explains why he isn't as romantic after sex because he's used to groupies.

F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)

He is an open book, so any position is good with him, but he prefers doggy style as much as anything. Although he does like reverse cowgirl or any way you two land up. But if u'd like to try a new position thats fine with him.

G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)

He's a goofy one during sex, giggling and laughing when you fall off the bed or make a weird noise, but gets very serious during sex, the eye contact is amazing, but he can't help but smile at you because ur smiling at him. He says ur smile is very beautiful.

H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)

Same color as the hair on his head, and of course you can see it. He doesn't have to be asked to trim it nor groom, because he'll do it anyway for you. He doesn't like them either dude. He has a lotta hair on him, when he gets sweaty its worse. You don't even ask him to shave anywhere and he does.

I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)

Like I said, Gene isn't very great with romantic shit, it just isn't him as much. He does try a lot for you if thats what you want, like candles, romantic music, and rose petals but not all the time. He tries his best to be somewhat intimate with you. Although he isn't like Tommy Lee. He isn't a hopeless romantic like him, although he can be if you want him too, he wants to try his best with you.

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