Part 6 - A little help from my friends

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A young, sweet nurse that was assigned to Stevie's care came running in to the private room that had been offered to the band while Stevie was admitted. All four of them shot up from their seats as they heard someone opening the door, almost afraid of what she was about to say.

"She's up! She's awake. I didn't know how sweet she was really going to be. This is the best job I've ever been given! She's asking for you, Lindsey," the nurse looked towards him.

Lindsey looked at his band mates and smiled wryly, "Oh? Just me?"

"Yeah and the doctor wanted to talk to Ms. Mcvie about her dressing changes - unless her assistant, is it, Karen? is here."

"I don't mind," Lindsey spoke as they all raised their eyebrows at him, "I mean, we might as well have a few of us know how to do it."

"Sure, yeah, that's perfectly fine, but she really wants to talk to you as soon as possible," the nurse brought up again.

"Go," Christine gestured, "We'll be right here."

Nodding, Lindsey headed out the door and down to Stevie's room, passing security and seeing Stevie sitting up looking out of the window at the pond in the distance.

"Hey," he said as he cleared his throat, closing the door behind him.

"Hey," she responded and turned her head to look at him, a tired grin on her face.

"How are you doing?" Lindsey asked as he walked up to the side of the bed.

"I'm feeling much better, thank you. I'm sorry that I ended up in here, this must look bad to all of you, but I can assure you that I can be there for opening night."

Lindsey held up his hand, "Stevie, honey, I don't think that's such a good idea. Do you? We only have two days left until then and I doubt you're going to be able to do a rehearsal so quickly. You have an infection and..."

She stared at him, anticipating his next sentence, "And what....?"

"Just that you have to rest. I can say that your, OUR, fans have been through rescheduled concerts and I know you hate disappointing them but I think they'll understand if we put it off a week."

Stevie stared back out the window, shaking her head, "Because I'm stupid."

"You're not stupid," Lindsey sat down on the edge of the bed, taking her hand, "It was a freak accident," his hand went up to touch her face.

"My fault though and the fans and you guys don't deserve to be postponing things. This has been planned for months!"

"And we know and WE love you. Chris is having us stay an extra week and we'll all take care of you, alright?" Lindsey squeezed her hand and brought it up to his mouth to kiss.

Sighing, Stevie leaned her head back on to the pillow and stared up at the ceiling, "I assume that you were informed about other problems with me?"

Lindsey knew that she was talking of the drug use but he wasn't even sure if he should bring it up or ask why she was doing it again, "Problems?"

Her head shot back up to look at him, "You mean, you don't know?"

"Don't know, what?"

"It doesn't matter if it wasn't brought up, forget about it, okay?"

Inside, Lindsey was boiling mad, how could she even think about taking drugs again? He wanted to remain cool and collected just so there wasn't any sort of outburst in the hospital and he assumed that she was taking something for the withdrawls, "Whatever you say, Stevie."

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