Part 7 - Fireworks

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Staring at the nightstand next to the bed, Stevie felt less of an urge to use the drugs that were hiding in that drawer. Her doctor had told her that she would suffer from pyschological issues if she stopped the cocaine use but it seemed to be her own thoughts that were keeping her from reaching in that drawer and getting a needle ready. She was happy with having Lindsey so close and she feared that if he was to lose that closeness and return home after the tour, she would get that feeling again; how was she going to completely get over him? Was it going to be easier this time to tell herself not to dive in to the coke or was she going to cave completely and jump right back in to it like a kid learning to ride a bike?

Stevie wanted to see if she could sit up on her own easier than the night before, she could feel that she was getting better by the hour, and that was good news for her well being. Her temperature was not rising and falling either, just staying at a steady degree. She would just have to finish her antibiotics and keep putting that burn cream on until it was gone.

Lindsey was taking a walk along Christine's property, taking in the atmosphere and admiring his surroundings; he could actually live in an area like this if he had the time to enjoy it.

He stared at some wild flowers that were growing off in the distance and thought of Stevie, when was he not though? He figured that he would pick a few of them to cheer her up, she was cooped up in that room with not much to do besides read, write, and watch TV.

His favorite thing to do these past few days was just watch her sleep. Sleeping next to her was extremely special to him and it made him happy knowing that she was happy if he was there with her. All these years that he had been seperated from her grace and beauty, what a shame that things ended the way they had.

Leaning over, he started to pick a bouquet for her, adding even a few tall pieces of grass to give it more of an earthy feel; she loved things that were sentimental. Lindsey had never forgotten what her favorite things were and she always liked it when he would think of her and give her gifts just to say that he loved her.

Once he figured he had the perfect amount of flowers, he walked back to the house and into the kitchen to find a vase - that is one that Christine wouldn't be using any time soon.

After he filled the vase with water, he arranged the flowers and headed up the stairs, hoping that she wasn't asleep again. That seemed to be all she did so far since she got back to Christine's.

"Steves?" Lindsey said as he cracked her door open, "You awake, Stevie?"

"Hmmm?" Stevie yawned as she looked at him from the bed, she had actually sat up on her own and propped a few pillows up.

"Hey," he walked in as he held the vase behind him, "How are you feeling?"

She smiled, "Besides feeling as if I have Gremlins popping out of my back, just great."

Chuckling, Lindsey walked to her side, "Close your eyes."

Cocking her head at him, she looked at him suspciously, "Why?"

"Just do it," he begged.

When she closed her eyes he placed the flowers on the nightstand next to her and then he sat down on the edge of the bed, "Okay. You can open them now."

Stevie looked at him and then shrugged, he pointed to the nightstand and she gasped, "Oh, Linds," she slowly reached one of her arms up so she could touch the wild flowers, "Did you buy these for me?"

"I didn't..." he began.

She frowned.

"I picked them."

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