Part 15 - Guess who?

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Staring at herself blankly in the mirror backstage, Stevie forgot where she was as well as the time. She must have been staring blankly at her image for at least thirty minutes, jumping when she heard a knock on her door and Christine entering.

"Hey, you, I know you don't speak before a show but I just wanted to give you a hug for good luck...Stevie?" she questioned as she saw that Stevie was not listening.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Stevie spoke.

"Wait, you're actually saying something before we go on? Love, what is going on?" she knealt down next to Stevie as she started to cry, handing her a tissue, "You're going to close your throat up."

"He hasn't spoken to me since rehersal. I'm afraid he's lost the passion for me."

"There's no way, sweetie," Christine grabbed Stevie's face, "Look at me, we have a big show tonight. Do not let him ruin it for you - for us! You've been through this before and everything turned out fine, right?"

Stevie nodded.

"Then chin up, chest out, and lips forward - you know the deal, you're a Goddess and act like it! Make everyone out there not able to take their eyes off of you!"

For a moment, Stevie felt better about the situation as she gently reapplied her make up and headed for the side of the stage, staring at Lindsey's back as he waited for her; they were still going to do the usual entrance?

Her hand reached for his slowly and he jumped some at her touch, turning to face her, and knowing it was her in the dark. Their eyes met as there were no words and then the lights lowered and the crickets chirped. It was time.


The show went surprisingly well, everyone was on their best behavoir, and it was as if nothing was going on between Stevie and Lindsey. It felt good to be back on a stage all together with the music that made them legendary.

Heading backstage after the show finally was over, Stevie hit that all time low again, wondered if Lindsey did as well. She wanted to desperately ask him if he was still in love with her, if things were ever going to be the same again; the love that was bursting in her heart for him was too much to take. Why did they have to play stupid silly games with their love?

As she began to undress and pull her hair back, she noticed a letter on the mirror, opening it to read:

~ My love for you grows silent but still ~

Ask your driver for the next instructions.

Stevie looked around, nervously, who the hell was in her dressing room? She began searching it and freaking out, calming herself down as she sat on the couch, talking to herself. Why would her driver have instructions for her and what kind of instructions?

Grabbing her purse, she ran to the back of the arena to find the car she was taking back to her hotel, knocking on the window of the driver's side as he rolled down the window.

"Ma'am, oh forgive me, I had no idea that you were coming out so quickly!" he opened the door to jump out.

"No, no - it's fine, I am early," she looked around, "What is this?" Stevie handed him the card, desperately wanting to know what these "instructions" were.

Nodding, he smiled, "Yes! I was given orders to give you this," he reached in to the car to give her another letter and a single red rose.

Snatching it from his hands, her heart pounded as she read:

~ Only a rose like you grows in my garden ~

Ask the guard in front of Buckingham palace for the next instructions.

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