Part 19 - The end is just the beginning

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They were sure that this was the best part of their lives. That all they had went through in the past from breaking up to the off and on affairs, it all lead up to this moment, the moment that they would become husband and wife for the first time ever. The tour had finished up quite quickly and never had they experienced such a response night after night when Stevie gave her speech about their life and the new one they were just about to begin. Lindsey caught himself having to hold back tears every time she would look in his direction and tell him how much she loved him, that she never stopped loving him, and that she was glad that he finally realized he'd chosen the right path.

Stevie's loss of Tim had continued to bother her, she would dedicate, Landslide, to him for the rest of her life; he had really touched her in more than one way - emotionally, not just physically. She wondered why such an incredible man could be brought in to her life only to have such a troubled past and end up ending it just because he could not have her in his life the way he wanted. There'd be a long dedication and song written specifically for him on the new, Fleetwood Mac, album. The urge to join her bandmates on this new creation was now set in stone and right after they'd return from their honeymoon the production would begin.

Mick held Stevie and Lindsey's wedding shower and party at his restaurant in Hawaii named, Fleetwood's, they were extremely grateful and chose to be married right in Honolulu near the beauty of the ocean.

This was the wedding of the century for the world of Entertainment, they were all over the covers of every magazine you could imagine with their love story and the wedding; a special edition of People was put out just for the wedding. The photos of the two of them saying their vows on the cover, making every Buckingham Nicks fan cry in joy that this couple that has gone through so much turmoil was finally able to wed.

The wedding was beautiful from the view of the ocean in the background, beautiful tropical flowers had been placed in the bridesmaid's and Stevie's hair. Lindsey and his man of honor, which ended up being Mick AND John, had white tuxes with a beautiful purple Hibiscus flower pinned to the suit jacket. It was the perfect tropical paradise and when Stevie walked down that isle with her long blond hair pinned up in the back as the ponytail curled around her small shoulders, her pink and white flowing dress that had a long train down the back that had a corset covered in white crystals...Lindsey thought he was going to lose it. She glowed as she walked up to him, her lace veil that covered her face still showed her smile as the day she has been waiting for all her life was finally arriving; years too late but FINALLY arriving.

It took all Stevie had to not faint as she held on to her bouquet of beautiful Birds of paradise and Hibiscus flowers for dear life, not wanting to drop them and ruin this special moment as they began to listen to the ceremony begin their marriage, neither of them could keep a dry eye as they went over their vows - Stevie couldn't stop talking and even made up more to say than what she originally was going to, it made everyone laugh and their crying stopped. Lindsey was so head over heels and couldn't believe that Stevie was going to be his, his last name combined with hers, only in dreams this had happened for him.

Shaking, Lindsey took the ring from his son, William, a white gold wedding band that had two doves engraved on the inside with his initials went sliding on to her delicate finger. Stevie then took the ring she had made for Lindsey, also white gold with two doves and her initials, from Stella and LeeLee, sliding it on to Lindsey's finger and they tangled their fingers together to admire the rings close together; perfect fits.

Slowly lifting her veil, Lindsey took a step towards his new wife, gliding his hands across her beautiful pale face as her luscious red lips leaned in to take his in the first kiss as husband and wife. He pulled her in so harshly that she dropped her flowers and held on to him as he swung her then dipped her back so he could kiss her dramatically, she almost lost her veil and grabbed it before it hit the floor, they laughed as they held on to each other and the crowd went absolutely insane.

Picking Stevie up in to his arms he carried her down the isle and as she reached it, she threw the bouquet where Christine ended up catching it, it was a sight that truly would never go unnoticed.

As everyone went back to, Fleetwood's, for the wedding party, Lindsey and Stevie walked through the cooling sand as the sun began to set over the ocean; holding each others hands and being each others company for the next hour...alone. There were so many photos that had been taken and it was becoming exhausting from the heat and humidity, they couldn't wait to get back to their hotel suite to make love as a true married couple.

Stevie decided on selling her condo in Santa Monica and Lindsey sold his as well, they were no longer needed when they now had each other; no reason to stay cooped up in a condo that had absolutely no signifigance any longer. They bought a beautiful home along the California shorelines, the home that Stevie often talked about with Lindsey before they joined, Fleetwood Mac, it wasn't the exact one she pictured but it fit and they wanted it immediately. Their dreams came true.

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