Part 17 - With good comes bad

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Waking up from her slumber, Stevie looked over at the clock on the nightstand, it was going on 2am, Lindsey must be absolutely furious with her. She closed her eyes as her eyes began to burn and tears fell freely, she wiped them away, and threw the covers off of her, rushing in to the shower and then pulling a pair of pants and a shirt on as fast as she could. How could she have let her emotions go this far to allow Tim to take control? Damn her and her desire for passion.

Quietly, Stevie left the room to rush down to Lindsey's, knocking on the door repeatedly until he opened it, he took his sweet time answering; she held back from crying because of how guilty she felt. There was no way she would forgive herself for allowing things to go that far where it took her that long to get back to him.

Opening the door, Lindsey leaned up against the door frame, looking down at her eyes that were red from crying, "I almost thought you broke your promise to me."

"Never," Stevie reached up to rub his face, "I don't break promises, especially to you," she pushed her way through the door as he closed it behind them.

"It took him that long to calm down, huh?" he questioned with his arms across his chest.

"Lindsey," she began to protest but he stopped her.

"So you slept with him, right?"

As she sobbed, she turned her back to him, not sure how she could answer him but she knew that he knew what she had just done, "It'll never happen again, you have my word, Lindsey. I'm not a saint, I'm only human."

How could he just let her cry and not comfort her? Lindsey wrapped his arms around her back and kissed the top of her head, "Stevie, I just want you to break it off. Break it off with him. You're doing him such a disservice by allowing him to take control of you, you're better than that," he turned her around so she could face him, "I understand emotions, I do, but the more you let that young man have his way - the harder it's going to be to let go."

"It just felt so good, Lindsey, being wanted like that when I thought you were through with me," she looked up in to his eyes, being as honest as she could because she was, "He distracted me from how deeply I felt for you and the way our lives have been - I've never been able to have you again since we joined this band! It looked as if it could never work and when he came to me in rehab, this sweet and loving man that would do just about anything for me... I caved, it felt incredible to be wanted...My ego got in the way and I'm sorry, from the bottom of my heart, I am SORRY. It's done, I promise, it's done," Stevie took Lindsey's face in to her hands and brought him down to kiss her lips, "I love you, Lindsey Buckingham."

Smiling, Lindsey took her hand as he escorted her to the bed, pulling her down in to his arms so he could snuggle against her, "I'm so tired and you kept me up all night, stay with me. I love you, Stephanie Nicks."

They fell asleep in each others arms and woke up in the same position as they had fallen asleep, Lindsey the first to wake as usual, running his face through her hair, she smelled like lavender  with a touch of coconut. He smiled as he felt her stir beneath him, freezing in case he had actually woke her, but she just sighed and kept her eyes closed as she continued to sleep. She was so beautiful and angelic, not one sign of make up on her face, just this beautiful porcelin skin that he enjoyed under the tips of his fingertips.

Around noon, Lindsey had to get himself going, and he slipped out of bed to shower and when he walked back in to the bedroom, he sulked, she was gone.

Stevie entered her hotel room slowly and silently, nervously walking towards the bed while she heard the shower running; going over in her head what she was going to say to Tim. She knew that the reaction was not going to be good and Stevie reminded herself that if he began to show any sort of passion or begging, that she had to be prepared - that was going to be his way to keep her in his life but she couldn't go on like this anymore. As good as it felt to have a young man that was half her age just groveling at her feet, it'd never last and one of them would end up having a severely broken heart and with how Stevie hated to see other people in wasn't going to be her this time, things with Lindsey were finally capable with his divorce.

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