Part 16 - The mystery man and a change of plans

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Her breathing was labored as she sat up from the bed, who was that man? Stevie had tried to remove the blindfold but it was too late, he had already slammed the door and left. Why did he leave and why was he so afraid to face her?

She was dizzy and thirsty, racing to the small fridge to pull out a bottle of Evian, downing it, then trying to collect herself as she looked around the room for any sort of clues to who "he" was.

Grabbing for her purse, she pulled out her phone and called Tim's cellphone.

"Hey baby, how is my princess?" Tim asked as he answered.

"Tim, honey, where are you? You have NO idea how beautiful you made me feel tonight! I can't even begin to tell you how romantic you really are! I knew that you were good with words but sweetheart, you've taken my heart!" Stevie said in to the phone, "Why did you blindfold me? I wanted to be able to see you! And how did you know that I loved roses so much? Come back to the room, I want to hold you!"

The line was quiet and it concerned Stevie.

"What are you talking about, Stevie? I'm in California..." he finally spoke.

Her whole body tensed, her back hitting the chair as she arched, "You mean, you didn't plan the whole running around London to get me at The Ritz?"

"No, I'm home. What's going on? Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine, I just was sent on a wild goose chase around London that turned out to be some kind of romantic endeavor to get me in bed..."

"And you don't know who it was?" Tim asked, concerned and jealous.

", I could have sworn it was you. I can't think of anyone else that could have even had the time to do this! I need to call you back, honey," she hung up the phone and stared around the room, her heart pounding. WHO just had their way with her?

Remembering that the last card had said that Karen and the band knew, Stevie called her assistant right away, panicking, "Karen! Karen, what is going on? Who planned this evening?"

"I'm not supposed to say, Stevie, I kind of made a promise to them..." Karen winced, afraid of her boss's reaction.

"A promise? You made a promise to WHOM? Karen, I'm sitting here at The Ritz all alone and whoever brought me here ran out like a bat out of hell! Now are you going to tell me who you promised or do I need to look for another assistant?" Stevie said, agitated.

"Oh, dammit, they said that they weren't going to keep you blindfolded the whole time... I'll tell them that you are wanting answers, can I at least keep my promise for them? You'll hear from them, I promise, Stevie," Karen begged, not wanting to blow this person's cover.

Sighing, Stevie rolled her eyes, "If they don't contact me in the next few hours, I'm calling the police," and she hung up.

Running her hands up her bare arms she almost felt violated, trying to think of ANYONE that could have put this together. There was no way that it could have been Lindsey because he was at the arena with her and she left before any of them! If it wasn't Tim or Lindsey then who could it be? It frightened her and she suddenly felt sick, rushing in to the bathroom and vomiting from the nerves. She thought that there just may be a trace of DNA still inside her so she found a Q-Tip and inserted it inside, trying to get as much on it as possible, wrapping it up in a piece of tissue and placing it in the zipper compartment of her purse. Afterwards she made sure to shower and get off the sweat and other bodily fluids that were still on her, it scared her, and couldn't tell if this person wore a condom at all but she some how hoped they didn't only because she wanted to have evidence for the police but as her mind started to calm down she remembered that Karen knew and Karen would NEVER put Stevie in to a threatening situation.

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