Part 9 - The path to healing

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The sun lit up the bedroom, Stevie had spent the whole night in his bed, it was a dream come true for him. Every sound, every look, every touch, and scent that came with making love with her was the most powerful moment he's had in a long time. The desire that had built up all these years for her had finally exploded and bloomed in to this beautiful passionate experience that both of them would surely remember, as well as the rest of the house; there's no way that they could keep what happened a secret. As she screamed neither of them cared of the consequences and not one regret ran through their minds.

Lindsey propped his head up with his hand as his elbow rested on the bed, watching Stevie's chest rise and fall with every breath she made, one breast exposed for his view as he traced her under cleavage. Her nose twitched some as he blew a strand of hair away from her face, smoothing her bangs away from her forehead so he could kiss her.

Pulling the blankets away from her body he looked at her peacefully laying there in a deep slumber, admiring her nakedness as he trailed the tips of his fingers along her hip bone to her thigh, across her stomach and up her abdomen to stare at her breasts; cupping one gently to not wake her. He didn't care that she wasn't fit anymore or that she had a skinny waist line, her beauty on the inside made her just as beautiful on the outside; Lindsey would do anything to stop time and just stay right here with her.

"I am in love with you," Lindsey whispered as he brushed his fingers across her lips, "What have you done to me?"

Later on after Lindsey laid his body against hers for some time, he got ready for the day, just letting her rest and wake whenever she pleased; he showered and went downstairs to put a breakfast together for her. He made pancakes, toast, eggs, and even fresh squeezed orange juice that Christine had available for everyone. They didn't ask him what they had been up to last night but they already knew and no one was going to ruin it for them.

When Lindsey entered his room he noticed that Stevie was not there, he froze for a moment and noticed that the bathroom door was still open and her clothes were missing, where could she have gone?

"Stevie?" he called out to her as he placed the tray down on the bed and then went back out in to the hall to look for her.

Little did Lindsey know that Stevie was injecting herself with cocaine, tying the band around her upper arm and then sinking the needle in to the crease of her arm; he stood in terror as he watched her with out her noticing. He began to shake and as she placed the needle back down and sighed, Lindsey slammed the door behind him and caused her to jump up from the bed, stepping backwards from him as he came at her with such force.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" he screamed as her grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her.

Stevie sobbed as she looked away and he grabbed her by the chin and made her look at him, Lindsey was furious, "Stop," she begged.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Lindsey's eyes were firey red with anger and he grabbed her arm to look at the new bruising from the needle, "WHAT IS THIS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING YO YOURSELF? GOD DAMMIT, STEVIE, WHAT THE FVCK ARE YOU DOING?!"

She was like a rag doll in his arms as he shook her like mad, finally letting her go as she hit the bed with a flop, curling up in to a ball and covering her face as

she cried, "I don't...know..."

"YOU DON'T KNOW? YOU DON'T KNOW?" he started to grab the needles and cocaine she had spread out on the nightstand, holding it up in her face, "WHAT DO YOU CALL THIS? HUH? I THOUGHT YOU STOPPED THIS SH!T!"

"Please," her voice shook as she covered her ears with her hands.

Throwing what he picked up across the room he grabbed her again by the arms and started shaking her again, enraged, "WHY? I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING LAST NIGHT AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO? DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU?"

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