Chapter 5-X-Men

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The white haired woman feels Zions arms and chest "Woah" She says Zion wakes up on a med bed "what the-" Zion says he startled awake at the sight of a woman with white hair "Who the hell you!" Zion shouts "Ok chill out" Storm says "START TALKING!!!!!!!!!" Zion shouts cyclops walks in and Zion immediately choke holds her

"Woah buddy calm down!" cyclops shouts "where am I?" Zion asks him "The X-Mansion" cyclops says Zion hesitated before letting go of storm Zion rushes knocking the two away and runs into Logan "Logan where are we?" Zion asks "oh my god I just fucking said it" cyclops says

"Don't worry these are good people" Logan says "Where's Rogue!!!" Zion shouts "In class" a voice says Zion looks down at a bald Nigga "Hello Zion Im Professor Xavier" Xavier says "Why'd you bring us here?" Zion asks "think of this as a safe haven for mutants such as yourself" Xavier says

Zion has a confused look at him "You don't believe me do you?" Xavier asks "No" Zion says "How about now" Xavier says telepathically "you...your a telepath" Zion says "smart I am" Xavier says "Ok...Why'd you bring us?" Zion asks "To see if you'd like sanctuary here" Xavier says "I already agreed to it" Logan says

Zion sighs "I guess I have no choice" Zion says he looks around his room "big as hell" Zion says Nightcrawler walks toward him "I don't appreciate the way you held storm I think you should apologize" he says "I think you should fuck off" Zion says slamming the door in his face Zion turns around and Nightcrawler is infront of him

"I believe I said apologize" He said "And I said fuck off" Zion says Nightcrawler starts it he throws a punch that zion blocks he then jabs NC in the nose zion throws a punch that Nightcrawler blocks the two have grips on eachothers arms in order to get out of the grip the two do a side flip they're still gripped

Nightcrawler goes to knee him but using NC's hand he blocks it then backflip kicks Nightcrawler into his shelf "stay down" Zion says Nightcrawler doesn't listen he uses his teleportation to punch and kick Zion all around

Zion begins to recognize his pattern on his second row of attacks he punches Nightcrawler in the chest he walks up to him grabs his collar and repeatedly punches him in the face

Jean and the rest of the XMen walk into his room hearing the commotion "GET OFF HIM!" Jean shouts she uses her power to throw Zion into a wall rogue rushes in and checks on her friend

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU COULDVE HURT HIM!!!!" Rogue shouts "He was attacking our friend" cyclops said "how do you know your friend didn't start it!!!!" Storm shouts Zion gets up "all I told him was to get out" zion says "it is true I started the skirmish I was just angry when I heard he chokeholded you storm" nightmare says "I'm fine Kurt" storm says "I'm not" zion says cracking his back

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