Episode 16-Aw Shit

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In the woods, Logan and Zion come face to face with Stryker, who is tied to a concrete wall by chains, one last time. Stryker says "Who has the answers, you two? Those people? That creature in your arms?". Looking at Artie, Wolverine puts him down, dropped the dog tags Stryker fashioned for him years earlier and informs Stryker that he would

"I'll take my chances with him" Logan says Zion smiles "One day, someone will finish what I've started, Wolverine! One day!" Stryker shouts

Wolverine enters the jet and hands Artie to Bobby. Jean asks him if he's okay, and he says that he is now. Scott and Ororo panic to realize that something's wrong and they can't take off. Rogue asks if anyone has seen John, and Jean answers after a short telepathic scan that he's with Magneto, to everyone's disappointment. The jet loses the power, and just then the water burst out through the dam again, not handling the pressure. Jean, in the back, realizes she has to do something, as she's their last hope.

She looks at all her friends, and leaves the jet without them noticing. After a few seconds, though, Xavier notices and calls her name, alarming Logan and Scott. Xavier says she's outside, and Scott and Logan rush to the exit. Jean telekinetically closes the door, keeping him inside, and activates the jet. Scott yells at Ororo not to take off, but Jean does it for her.

Jean uses one hand to keep the water from drowning the jet and the other the free the jet's leg from the snow. Scott watches in misery and Logan orders Kurt to get her, but Kurt says she's not letting him. As her last words of goodbye, Jean uses her telepathy to speak through Xavier's mouth, saying she knows what she's doing – this is the only way. Scott begs her not to do this, and she says goodbye. Her body and eyes glow orange as she manages to release the jet's leg and lift it into the air.

Zions eyes open theyre galaxy purple he clarets as he has a premonition of the future She releases her telekinetic grip, letting the water to drown her freely, and everybody grieves about her. Scott falls crying on Logan to the size of the tragedy. Everybody's overwhelmed, their throats choking with sorrow. The jet's flying above what is now a large sea.

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