Episode 19-Premonition Part 3

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In Xavier's School, the professor senses Cyclops' distress. Telepathically, Scott's name is heard all over the school. Clearly, something is horribly wrong. Wolverine and Storm run through the halls hysterically to Xavier's office, not knowing what the hell happened. They burst open his door and ask if he's okay, and he tells them to get to Alkali Lake.

Back in Alkali Lake a short while later, the Blackbird descends into the heavy fog and lands. Wolverine and Storm step out carefully and start walking around, though none of them really wants to be there. Logan says he can't see a damn thing, but Ororo says she can take care of that. Her eyes begin to glow white, and the thick fog fades away. In front of their amazed eyes, the two X-Men see small rocks, leaves and drops of water floating around in the air. They split up to explore, and then Logan finds another thing: a pair of glasses floating with all the other things. He grabs them and realizes that it's Scott's ruby glasses, but before he can do anything else, Ororo's scream catches his attention and he rushes to her. He finds Storm sitting on the ground, near Jean Grey's still alive body.

Later in the school's infirmary, Logan and Professor X are at Jean's side. Xavier tells Logan that the sheer mass of the water that collapsed on top of Jean should have obliterated her completely. The only explanation of her survival is that her powers wrapped her up in a cocoon of telekinetic energy. Logan asks if she'll be okay, and Xavier says that Jean Grey is the only Class 5 mutant he ever encountered – her potential in practically limitless. Her mutation is seeded in the unconscious part of her mind, posing a danger. When she was a girl, Xavier built several psychic barriers in her mind to isolate her powers from her conscious mind, and as a result, Jean developed a dual personality: the conscious Jean whose powers were always in her control, and the dormant side, a personality that came to call itself "The Phoenix," a purely instinctual creature.

Taking this in, Wolverine asks Xavier if Jean knew all this. Xavier answers that it's unclear how much she knew, but far more critical is whether the woman in front of them is the Jean Grey they know or the Phoenix, furiously struggling to be free. Logan says she looks pretty peaceful to him, but Xavier says that's because he's keeping her that way, trying to restore the psychic blocks to cage the beast again.

Thinking this is too much, Logan angrily asks the professor what he's done to Jean – they're talking about a person's mind here! Xavier asks Wolverine to understand that Jean has to be controlled, but Logan tells him that sometimes when you cage the beast, the beast gets angry. The professor tells Logan he has no idea what Jean is capable of, but Logan corrects him that he had no idea what the professor was capable of. Xavier explains that he had a terrible choice to make, and he chose the lesser of two evils. Logan answers that it sounds to him like Jean had no choice at all. Charles gives up and says he doesn't have to explain himself – least of all to Wolverine – and continues to work on Jean's mind. Angry, Logan walks out.

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