Season 2 Episode 1-Amnesia

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"What the hell are the X-men?" Zion asks "you've never heard of us like on the tv or something?" She asks "no I don't even remember anything past a few seconds ago" Zion says Jean freezes but holds out her hand

Zion takes it the two of their eyes glow hers with the flames of the phoenix and his similar to the color of the galaxy they stop as she helps him up they look away for a second before she looks back "you atleast know your name?" She asks "Zion" he responds  "ok well my boss and principal professor Xavier Wants to meet with you because of your gifts" she says "gifts?" Zion asks

The two sit down on the jet that she drives Zion looks out the window trying to see if he can remember anything Jean puts the jet on autopilot and walks over to him "uhhh...I can probably help you find your memories" she says "how?" Zion asks "just...close your eyes" she says

Zion hesitated but agreed shutting his eyes Jean dropped to her knees and put her fingers on his temple reading through his mind the latest memory he had was waking up on the ground nothing else

She moves her hands and looks at him "nothing" she says " can you tell me what you meant" He asks "well...your a mutant" she says "fuck is that?" Zion asks

"Mutants are human beings born with what is known as the X-Gene, which usually expresses itself in the form of superhuman abilities that manifest at puberty or periods of heightened emotional stress. Though some mutants can pass as ordinary humans, there are those who have visible physical characteristics that signify their mutant nature. Mutants are believed to be the next evolutionary phase of humanity" she explains

"WOAH I HAVE POWERS HOW DO I USE EM?!" Zion shout asks Jean chuckles "I don't know your powers so I can't really tell you how to use them" she says "so do you like power?" Zion asks she laughs "yeah I do" she says

Zion looks at the reader

"Mind if I sit here the pilot seat is uncomfortable?" She asks Zion nodded she sat next to him as silence filled the room Zion decides to make small talk

"So...your parents alive?" Zion asks "WHAT KIND OF STUPID ASS QUESTION IS THAT?!" He shouts in his head Jean chuckles having read his mind "you know I can read your mind right?" She asks Zions cheeks are covered with blush he looks away

"No no I don't mind the question both my parents are...dead yours?" She asks "I uhh can't remember anything remember" Zion says "oh...yeah sorry" she say "no it's ok" Zion says

A montage shows the two talking Jean laughing at Zions sense of humor then Zion laying against her lap talking then Jean laying against his lap talking the jet finally lands as they exit someone in red glasses steps up

A montage shows the two talking Jean laughing at Zions sense of humor then Zion laying against her lap talking then Jean laying against his lap talking the jet finally lands as they exit someone in red glasses steps up

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"Yeesh sure was lo-" Scott starts he sees the two are holding hands walking out of the jet his eyes widened Jean looked up "HEY babe!!" She shouts letting go of Zions hand and walking over

She kisses him "this is Zion he's the mutant professor sent me to get" she says "Hm" Scott says "nice to meet you Jean told me all about you" Zion says holding out his hand Scott looks at it then back at him

"Ok...let's see this professor you told me about" Zion says "BET your gonna love him" Jean shouts grabbing his wrist and yanking him towards the school leaving Scott a jealous mess

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