Season 2 Episode 2-Meeting Professor

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Zion say infront of Charles but not the Charles he knew

"So your Zion" he says "I believe so yes" Zion said he rolled over to Zion "so

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"So your Zion" he says "I believe so yes" Zion said he rolled over to Zion " honestly don't remember anything?" He asks "not a thing" Zion responds "I can maybe read your mind" he says "I thought she could do that" Zion says "Nowhere near that powerful. But he's teaching me to develop it" Jean says

"Ok go ahead I guess" Zion says Charles just like Jean puts his fingers on his temples he gets farther then Jean managing to get a glimpse of him on the jet with the X-men "Ngh" he says moving his hands "I got a glimpse of your past but I couldn't see much it was as if something pushed me out of your mind" Xavier says

Zion is confused "would you like to stay here?" Xavier asks "well I don't think I have much of a choice since I can't remember anything" Zion says "great Jean you can show him to an open room" Xavier says Jean nods

Zion looks around at his room Jean is behind him "big" Zion says "trust me you'll love it here" she says "I already do" Zion says looking at her there's a pause as the two look away immensely blushing

"Uhh I'll go" she says leaving Zion sits down on his bed he then lays down on his bed falling fast asleep he then wakes up but he has no clothes on but he's under the covers "wh-what the hell?" Zion asks

He feels someone grab his wrist and looks to the side there layed a naked Zion WAIT WHAT?! Apparently there's a transition that now shows Jean the one naked in bed with zion grabbing her wrist

"Baby you ok?" He asks "z-zi what're you doing in my bed?!" Jean shouts "we always fall asleep next to each other yesterday was my bed today was yours" he says chuckling "what the hell are you talking about?!" Jean shouts "Cherry head chill out cmon lay back down" he says

Jean shakes before ultimately laying down with Zion putting his arm around her and rubbing her stomach she smiles we transition to Zion doing the same thing but with Jean laying on his stomach

The two teens wake up shortly after their dreams and both are out of breath and sweaty they shake their heads Zion falls back asleep reluctantly

Later Zion eats cereal whistling he hears whispering and turns to psylocke whispering something to fellow mutants he wiggles his ears slightly and tunes into the conversation he knows it's messed up but he eavesdrops

"Can you believe Jean actually knows that No powered freak?" Psylocke asks "Nah I can't" angel whispers back "I can hear you jackasses!!!!" Zion shouts "so?" Psylocke asks her hand glows as a psionic blade forms on her hand

Angel unfurls his wings at Zion who glares at them "ZI!" Jean shouts Zion turns and sees Jean motioning for him to come

"Well I'd love to stay and chat but your a total bitch" Zion says smiling and leaving

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