Season 2 Episode 8:Time To Box

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Zion is so surprised at his new powers he lets them go.

"Do you see what I can do for you must do something for me I need you to broadcast a message across the world" apocalypse says

En Sabah Nur to Cairo forced Zion to broadcast a threatening message to all the human race on the behalf of Apocalypse.

Without En Sabah Nur knowing, Zion also revealed his location in a hidden telepathic message to his crush Jean Grey.

"There I did it now thanks for the upgrade but I'm leaving" Zion says

He goes to leave but apocalypse snaps as he falls asleep.

En Sabah Nur destroyed most of Cairo to rebuild his pyramid, and ordered Magneto to stand outside it using his powers to control Earth's magnetic poles, causing widespread destruction across the planet and mass casualties.

Meanwhile, inside the pyramid En Sabah Nur would transfer his consciousness to Zion's body, as the mutants powers would allow him to "be everywhere, be everyone".

The X-Men arrive during the process, and Nightcrawler interrupts the transferal by teleporting Zion out of the pyramid, much to Apocalypse's frustration.

Zion looks up and sees Nightcrawler.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING!!!!!!" Zion shouts

"Sorry my name is Kurt nice to meet you" he says

"He's new" Jean says

"Oh my god Jean!!!" Zion shouts getting up and hugging her.

"Cmon we gotta go!" Jean shouts

The teens run to the jet and fly off.

Little did they know Angel carried Psylocke to help confront them.

Zions eyes glow purple.

"Kurt the roof take me now hurry!!!" Zion shouts

Kurt rushes Zion and teleports him to the roof.

Kurt teleports away.

Zion punches angel in the face.

He ducks from a wing slash and then round house kicks him to the ground.

Psylocke swings her energy blade at him but he narrowly dodged it.

She kicks him to the ground making him groan in pain.

He narrowly dodged an arrow stab and remembered his powers.

He opens his arms out making the wings fall right off and go left and right.

Angel screams in pain zion wasn't paying attention to psylocke.

Psylocke cuts through the roof and they both enter.

She swings her energy blade at him but he uses his energy powers to block it.

He then just absorbs the energy and headbutts her backwards.

Nightcrawler teleports them all away as Jean Grey sabotages the jet's controls.

Psylocke manages to escape but Angel is trapped in the jet when it crashes.

As Apocalypse steps outside the pyramid, he witnesses Angel's death, calling him useless, before being repeatedly punched in the face by Quicksilver, who uses his super speed to not be noticed; however, En Sabah Nur is uninjured and soon adapts, trapping one of the speedster's feet to the ground, before breaking Peter's arm and leg.

Zion leaps toward quicksilver and throws him backwards.

"Ahhhhh there he is the most powerful being on the planet" apocalypse says

"Oh I thought that was you my friend" Zion says

"Nope" apocalypse says

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