Episode 8-Stryker

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The body of an armed guard falls to the floor "another one down" Zion says "Rogue Rogue!!!!" Logan shouts rogue peeks out from behind a dresser

"Oh great your alive" Zion says "what the hell is happening?" Rogue asks more men come as zion raises his hand and pieces of the floor rise up to block bullets

"We're under attack GET THE HELL OUT FROM UNDER THERE AND LETS GO!" Logan shouts "Ok!" Rogue shouts running next to her friends

Zion Logan and Rogue manage to evade bullets and escape the area they make it upstairs where they see iceman "BOBBY!" Rogue shouts "rogue!" He shouts back

"Any kills?" Logan asks "no but they're taking kids" John says "Motherfu-" Zion starts before he's shot through the abdomen three times "ZION!!!!!" Logan and Rogue shout Zion collapses

Bobby quickly puts up a wall of ice blocking both ways as they tend to their wounded friend "W-We got a guy that can heal faster then Usain Bolt and I'm the one that gets shot!" Zion shouts as he coughs blood

"Keep pressure on the wound" Logan says he extends his claws and slashes out a piece of the carpet He hands it to Bobby who does as he says "Logan" a familiar voice calls out

Logan looks up and walks over to the ice wall he looks at it intently "Logan it's Papa" the voice says "Stryker" Logan says "Who?" rogue asks "Logan come home...get a bomb to blow this off" Stryker says

Ice Man and John open a secret hatch and slide into a room alongside rogue Logan hesitates before sliding in as well as the hatch closes

They look around at the garage Zion is still held by John and Bobby Logan quickly grabs some keys and turns on a car that they all walk into Rogue sits in the front Bobby Zion and John sit in the back "This is Scott's car" Bobby says Logan starts it with the keys as they drive off

"Zi you still with me?" Logan asks Zions eyes are closed as Logan reaches back and slaps him he immediately opens his eyes "I wish I *cough cough* wasn't" he says "We all do..." Logan says "just focus on breathing" Rogue says

"I'm starting to think breathing is overrated" Zion jokes as he coughs again "where the bell are we going Logan?" John asks "Boston we gotta meet up with Storm and Jean" Logan says

"My family lives in Boston" Bobby says Logan looks at a car phone not knowing how to work it he decides to take a detour to Bobby's house

Zion closes his eyes "Zi...ZI!!!!!" Logan shouts he slaps Zion this time he doesn't wake "OH MY GOD ZION!!!!!" Rogue shouts "dude wake up!!!" John shouts "ZI WAKE Up!!!" Bobby shouts

It is no use as the group realize their friend...has passed multiple sounds of disappointment cloud the car as they mourn their friend we zoom in on his bullet holes we see as the bullets  plop out of his abdomen as the wounds close

Zion startled up taking a deep breath "what the fuck happened?!" Zion shouts sounds of relief fill the air "we thought you where dead dude!" John shouts "I...I think I was" Zion says shaking his head

Zion feels his chest and brings up his shirt his wounds are healed "HA no wounds baby!!!!" Zion shouts "Seems like my healing has some competition" Logan says everyone chuckles

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