Episode 14-Deathstrike

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Zion and Logan find the room where the adamantium was applied to Logan's bones, they see xrays on the walls, find the liquid metal. Then, Wolverine remembers escaping the facility using his new metal claws after he overheard Stryker planning to erase his memory. Stryker finds them there.

Zion opens his palm making a ball of metal float "Hehehe oh your so powerful Zion but that's how you where made to be" he says Zions eyes widen "what?" Zion asks "oh you don't remember me? You where a little bit of a regular at my old factory" he says

Zion drops his hand as the metal ball drops as well "there we go Zion haven't you noticed something about yourself how bullets don't kill you? How each injury from your childhood never stayed for longer then 10 seconds?" Stryker asks Zions eyes widen

"I made you into the most powerful thing on this planet I am...your father" Stryker says Zions eyes widen "come with me my son be with me" he says smiling Zion freezes "Zi snap out of it!!!" Logan shouts as Deathstrike steps up

"The tricky thing about adamantium is... that if you ever manage to process... its raw, liquid form, you gotta keep it that way. Keep it hot.
Because once the metal cools, it's indestructible. But you already know that.
I used to think you were one of a kind, Wolverine. I was wrong" he said leaving

Zion is still frozen as wolverine and Deathstrike rush eachother Logan pops his claws, and then watches in shock as she pulls out adamantium claws of her own five, one from each fingertip. She leaps at him and slices him across the face, and they start battling, slicing each other, with her having the upper hand. When she throws him at a wall and runs to him, he surprises her and brings his claws to her stomach, earning him the opportunity to for a few more strikes before she can respond. She has a healing factor just as good as his own, though, and recovers quickly.

Again she tosses him across the room and stabs him in the back several times before tossing him on an iron net platform She stands below him and keeps stabbing him through the net in the back and neck until he uses his claws to cut the poles the platform is hanged from, and it falls on her, locking her in the tube.

Wolverine is still recovering from his injuries, when Lady Deathstrike suddenly jumps at him from below and stabs him again.  "Z-ZI!!!!!" He shouts Zion snaps out of his trance he looks at the melted adamantium and raises his hand as the liquid floats up out of the bucket

He extends his hand at Deathstrike sending the liquid adamantium into her mouth she's unable to spit it out and collapses shaking Wolverine watches in horror as adamantium starts leaking from her eyes, nose and ears, until she fell backwards into the water tank with a thud, as the metal hardened in her body. He then sighs in relief.

"Sorry..." Zion says helping him up "you know Stryker?" Logan asks "no...I don't even remember this room" Zion says "don't worry we'll figure it out" Logan says zion nods as the two walk out of the room

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