Season 2 Episode 3-Conflict

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"Mutants. Born with extraordinary abilities, and yet still, they are children stumbling in the dark, searching for guidance. A gift can often be a curse. Give someone wings and they may fly too close to the sun. Give them the power of prophecy and they may live in fear of the future. Give them the greatest gift of all, powers beyond imagination, and they may think they are meant to rule the world" Charles says

Zion sits down across from Charles and looks next to him there stands Jean.

"Uhh Professor no disrespect but uhh...what does that have to do with me?" Zion asks

"Zion I have to say...out of the countless mutants I've met including Jean Myself and My Brother never once have I sensed someone who has more power then you...your something...beyond omega level..." he says

"Uhhhhhhhhhh...thanks?" Zion asks

Jean giggles.

"What I'm saying is Zion your powers are...advanced you have Inorganic/Organic Manipulation: Manipulate matter of inorganic and organic types. Biological Manipulation: Manipulate the biological aspect of living organisms. Object Manipulation: Manipulate any inanimate objects for various purposes.
Population Control: Manipulating all types of groups of sentient life forms. Matter Absorption: Absorb matter of any kind. Matter Creation/Destruction: Create and destroy matter. Matter Detection: Detect and sense matter and possibly gain a detailed understanding of the matter they are feeling.
Matter Redistribution: Redistribute matter anywhere. Material Swapping: A user can swap their matter for something else. Matter Melding: Mix and combine matter. Matter Transmutation: Reconfigure and change the forms of matter. Materiokinetic Warping: Users can twist reality by controlling matter.
Personal Matter: Be able to manipulate one's matter. Property Manipulation: Alter the physical properties of matter Chemistry Manipulation: Controlling the chemical composition of any material. Elemental Manipulation: A matter manipulator control elements. Elements are the simplest parts of any material. Energy Manipulation: A matter manipulator control energies. Matter State Manipulation: Manipulate the many states of matter, like turning rocks into lava. Solid Manipulation: Control the solid or hard state of matter. Liquid Manipulation: Control the liquid state of matter. Gas Manipulation: Control the gaseous state of matter. Plasma Manipulation: Control the plasma or hot state of matter. Modern Matter State Manipulation: The user can manipulate the modern states of matter. Periodic Element Manipulation: Controlling all scientific elements of the periodic table. Telekinesis: Move/lift matter at nearly any speed, whether in/on a surface, air, water, or in a vacuum of space" Xavier says

"COOOL!!!!!!" Zion shouts

"Not cool you do realize with a glare you could explode someone right?" Xavier says

"OK...uhhh HALF COOL!!!!" Zion shouts

"Zion you have to understand your powers try to...control them ok?" Xavier says

"I gotchu Mr clean!!" Zion shouts leaving.

Xavier sighs.

Jean walks out next to Zion.

"So like your matter powers do you know what to do with them cause I can probably help you!" Jean shouts

Zion smiles

"Sure" Zion says

"Great!!" She shouts

The two of them stand outside since Jean decides to teach him telekinesis since she's unable to help him with the rest of his abilities.

"Ok cmon you got this!" She shouts

Zion raises his hand and closes his fist making a watermelon EXPLODE!!!!

"Woah...your...even better at telekinesis then me..." Jean says

"Hey...I'm nothing like you...your stronger then me" he says

Jean smiles and Zion playfully makes her float using his telekinesis he makes her fly like a superhero.

Scott walks over.

"Jean you weren't picking up...*sees* Your Phone" he says

"Oh Scott!!!" She shouts she mouths for Zion to put her down and he does so.

"Hey Babe uhh professor said with enough training Zi could be beyond omega level!!" Jean shouts

"Hm...Good for him..." Scott says squinting at him.

Zion smiles.

"Let's go Jean" Scott says.

Jean nods and she waves bye to Zion before leaving.

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